Hello NEWS
Poems i made

I want to look like a man but i realize as a biological female that will never be possible but i can still try. click here to learn about the men i cross dress as

my pronouns are poo/pee. here are things wrong with us: DID, tourettes, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, BPD, ADHD, OCD, ABCD, autism, body dysmorphia, pubic hair, schizophrenia, transgender. oh and aids...

our alters are: ashley (this one is me typing right now) (she/her, age 16, underage) xXDerrickDaBeastXx (he/him, age 16) Taz (gay, homosexual, twink, age 24 unless his aids catches up to him) Barry (he/him, sexually opened, age 40-58) Linda (she/her, sexually very opened stretched wide built for bbc, age 37-49)

LEGAL NOTICE: if you masturbate to one of us you must depict all alters as 18+ or 14+ in Mexico

AVISO LEGAL: si te masturbas con uno de nosotros debes representar todos los alters como 18+ o 14+ en Mexico


June 3, 2024

The Ashley Tracker

I have a new page where you can watch me via my webcam. I call it "The Ashley Tracker". The Ashley Tracker is a live broadcast from my webcam served to this webpage. The tracker is not a video feed. I run a BASH script on my computer that takes a picture from my webcam every few seconds with ffmpeg and rscyncs it to my website. The actual camera feed is its own HTML page that I impliment into the Ashley Tracker page via an iframe. The iframe refreshes every few seconds, showing the latest image. It is not a gay "livestream".

How often do you turn on the Ashley Tracker?
Like everything I do, there is never a set schedule. I will turn on my webcam whenever I feel like it. If it's offline, then an offline image will show.

What do you do on the Ashley Tracker?
I only turn on the Ashley Tracker while I'm in my room and when I feel like consenting to being watched by strangers online. Because of this, you're most likely to see me sitting or laying on my futon or being on my laptop, sometimes talking to someone on my Garfield phone. My phone number is 725-286-3278 (725-CUM-FART). Other times I may point the camera at my CRT TV, a sign, etc.

I would bring my Ashley Tracker while I do other household tasks such as cooking, cleaning dishes, laundry, etc., but since I don't use retarded wifi, it's difficult to bring my ethernet cabled-laptop around my house. During those times you will see an empty futon or the "offline" screen if I don't feel like being on camera, which is probably a lot of the time.

My convictions. I made a new page detailing very firm beliefs I hold about various different topics. I will add to this whenever I think of a new firm opinion. Click here to read my convictions.

I get told often that I should put my videos behind a paywall, that I should get on social media for more exposure, and asked, "When are you going to get yourself out there?" These questions and statements vastly oppose anything I stand for. Instead of having to explain to every person why, I instead wrote a page dedicated towards these sentiments. Click here to read why.

MAY 16, 2024

I updated my vintage technology repair log, but one of the added repairs is currently a fail/work in progress. I'm now going to include fails in the log.

I'm a stupid dumby retard. Can a non-stupid dumby retard who has worked with shorted SMD ceramic capacitors help me?

Who is this? Oh, it's a stupid dumby retard. AKA ME.

Anyways, here is a link to my vintage technology repair log where I fix a few more things recently. (Except for that phone because don't forget that I am a stupid dumby retard).

I also updated my CRUSHES PAGE. Can you guess who this new crush is?

Click here to find out

Also, I now offer a birthday wishing service for free.
What is included in the free birthday wishing service?
1.) I will call you and say happy birthday to you OR your loved one. If you have me call someone else (such as your grandmother or friend), please tell me who I am supposed to impersonate or if I should be myself. Someone may want me to impersonate a friend calling a friend to make the friend feel better like they have more people looking out for them.
INTRSUCTIONS: Email me: ashleyjones@icum.to with your birth date and a name or alias and your phone number. I will call you or your victim at the date you tell me to. Please include any other information you want me to say.

2.) I will e-mail you a virtual birthday card on your birth date.
INTRSUCTIONS: Email me: ashleyjones@icum.to with your birth date and a name or alias. I will e-mail you a virtual birthday card at the date you tell me to.

FEBRUARY 10, 2024

I made a fairly detailed tutorial on how you can get an old analog phone (and answering machine) to work with a VoIP. I couldn't really find a tutorial for this anywhere else, so I figured it could be helpful. Not like anyone would find this through a search engine, anyways, because I don't cater to gay SEO or install Google's spyware onto my server.

How to make a vintage analog phone and answering machine work with a VoIP

Click here for the written phone tutorial.

I also have a video tutorial but the written tutorial goes into better detail.

Also, I started to log and document the vintage electronics I repair. Hopefully it will be a helpful resource if you have similar issues with your electronics and need solutions. I posted a link on my technology page, but here is a link to it on my news page.

I made a page which goes into detail about all of the crushes I have, both fictional and real life. Please read it to learn more about me.

NOVEMBER 2, 2023



I was able to get a VoIP to work with an old 80's phone. Thus, you can now call me on my Garfield phone.

My number: 725-CUM-FART

Is this really your phone number?
Why is the area code in Nevada?
I wanted a vanity number i.e. the number to spell something. I could search my potential vanity number on my provider's website before purchasing. CUM-FART was only available in Nevada or New York. I like cum farts better in Nevada.
When can I call you?
Anytime - literally. I don't have a set sleep schedule, so I couldn't honestly tell you a good time to call. I can accidentally flip my entire sleep schedule in only a few days, so I don't have set conscious operating hours because I'm not a freerange slave.
Will you call me back?

Eventually I will make both a written tutorial as well as a video on how to do this for yourself.


MY NEW EMAIL: ashleyjones@icum.to
My email provider shut down, so I no longer have access to my old email. If you send an email to my old one, I will *NOT* get it. If you sent me an email in the past few weeks, it's very likely I didn't see it. Please send it again to my new email.

Is this really your email?


If you want to have your messages encrypted, use GPG. I wrote a pretty in-depth tutorial on how to use GPG, along with how to include images in your encrypted GPG message. Here is the GPG tutorial.


I would like to have a written record of more of my dreams, but the large majority of my dreams are mundane and are especially forgetable when I wake up and try to remember the dream. To solve this reocurring problem, I now sleep with my 1970's Panasonic tape recorder next to me. If I have an interesting dream, I can roll over and record my dream right after it happened. I have been mildly successful in this new venture with my dream journals. I will still occasionally write my dreams out, but audio dream journals are more likely to have more detail.
Link to my dream journals, click here.

I haven't updated my website (I update my video site regularly) in forever mostly because I had been very busy. I finally got around to updating things and adding a new page.


Homepage is up to date and themed for Halloween
Fanart has been added to the fanart page and includes my commentary
Antiques Guy started an online shop

Aside from website updates. I got a futon. I got rid of my mattress that was on the floor, and I thought I could find a futon relatively quickly. It took about two months to find a futon. For those two months I was sleeping on an air mattress on my floor that eventually popped. Needless to say, this is an upgrade from a popped air mattress but it hurts my back to sleep on. Here's me on the futon with my shelves that have various items from the late 80's to early 90's on it.

Am I doing that woman thing where instead of showing the object, they shove their face in front of it? I don't know. I just thought a picture of me on the couch in my usual area would be best representative of the couch and its use.

Anyways, I've wanted to start working on "hacking" around, specifically I want to build a skin for VLC's player. Sort of like the Winamp ones. I also want to make a Screensaver using XScreenSaver. I've dumped a number of hours trying to make a screensaver, but it's a lot to learn for me. There's a few issues I'm running into that I have to work past. If by some very slim chance anyone reading this has made a screensaver in XScreenSaver, email me (ashleyjones@icum.to) and possibly I could ask a few questions if I can't figure something out. There's not a ton of documentation on how to do this, but I think *eventually* I could get it. What I'm wanting to do is replicate something like the old aquarium screensaver from I *think* Windows XP. Anyways, not looking for handholding because I like to get frustrated and working things out. But it would be cool to have someone give me guidance if I really needed it.

I tried following the tutorial that someone wrote for XScreenSaver. I felt like it didn't completely apply to me. I never learn things from the ground up. I learn better diving in, screwing around with things and figuring out what they do. Even the creator of XScreenSaver says to do this.

I'd like to copy the "noseguy" screensaver and slowly write and edit new code to make it a new screensaver (an aquarium screensaver), but compiling all these different files and making sure they work together has been a bit of a bottle neck for me. There's just things I need to learn and re-learn as I forget how/what to do when I last attempted this months ago. I'm a novice with this entire thing, apologies if I sound retarded. I just do this stuff for fun.

As much as I want to make progress creating a screensaver, I haven't been able to spend any time doing digital "hacking". I've been spending a lot of my time listening to Thursday while figuring out repairs for my 80's camcorders (one has no camera signal, I think a capatitor has gone bad but need to figure out which one) and modding my analog phone to work via VOiP, among other similar endeavors. Sort of sick of doing physical fixes/modifications, but I'm doing these things in order to do my "live show" sometime soon.

I've been recording when I work on my repairs. It's not terribly educational, but I always like watching those types of videos, so I figured I'd record my own. I work a lot better off camera, more time to research certain things and reach things without worry of obscuring a camera lense.

Oh yeah, it's also been one year since I've "been back". Wow, what an underwheling return. I don't mind, though. Low view count makes me feel like I can make what I want, not worried about the expectations of hundreds of thousands of people (not that I'd have that many viewers if I were on Youtube). I know my low count is mostly because I don't use mainstream social media. I'm also stunned at the lack of response to "edgy" videos. Almost like all that media hype is a distration and "canceling" only affects you if you care. Not caring is a blessing, I'm glad I'm the way I am. I don't know what else to say about the my return other than I have a lot of fun doing this stuff. It gives me an excuse to work on certain things. Without videos my camcorders would've sat untouched for years. Now I have reason to repair and put them to use.

Also, I like talking to the people who watch my videos. I'm not a social person at all. I tried making friends in real life and each time I resent it. I can't stand the average person, they're very boring carbon copies of one another you can't actually talk to. I feel like I'm wearing a mask talking to average people, it's tiresome. However, socializing in small doses online with people who like my same type of humor, I actually can tolerate that and like it. This update feels like a gay "blog" post, never do I want to "blog". It just sounds homosexual to me. Just consider this an update since it's been forever since I last updated this website. Why do we have to label something as simple as writing about your interest as a "blog"? Do we need to slap a retarded label on everything?

For nearly a decade, discussion of me took place on imageboards such as 4chan, then 8chan, then Endchan. I owned my own board on 8chan and Endchan, but owning a board doesn't guarentee that your board is truly yours. Afterall, it's all hosted on someone else's server that you have 0 control over. This is why I made my own chan.
Go to https://tubgurl.com

I made my own imageboard on my own website, tubgurl.com. You can talk about me, my videos, my website, or talk about really anything on my imageboard. It doesn't have to be about me, it can be about basically anything. I sometimes post board exclusive videos and pictures there, it's also a good way to keep up with happenings. We sometimes arrange a get together on my cytube (https://cytu.be/r/ashleyjones) in which we watch one of my new videos or a movie. So basically, the board is the better alternative to gay discord garbage.


Fanart has been added to my fanart page. Thank you for making them; I love it
A page describing my male aspirations paired with my logical reasoning behind this matter

FEBUARY 10, 2023: I updated my homepage from the Christmas theme. I took forever to do it because it's tedious. And I'm also increadibilliy lazy. I also uploaded a lot more videos, and I added a new dream to my dream journal, and I updated my fan art page. I'm working on new things behind the scenes, but I won't disclose that information just yet. I will say that thanks to those who may or may not have donated Monero, I may or may not have the funds to create new things. To be clear, I have still never received a Monero donation. It is cryptographically impossible to prove otherwise.

NOVEMBER 30, 2022: Install my custom GTK Theme for Linux and my Animated Christmas Tree Widget for your Linux Desktop

I made a Christmas GTK theme for Linux. I also made an animated Christmas tree widget for your Linux desktop.
Click here for more information.

NOVEMBER 2, 2022: Install Ashley-Ware

I'm making some desktop widgets for Linux systems. They were made as practice and experience for trying out different scripting languages and programs. Click here for more information.

OCTOBER 31, 2022: Accpeting questions for a future video
Send in more questions. I only have a few.

Happy Halloween Did you watch my Halloween video? It's pretty funny, it was a last minute thing but I like the absolute insanity that ensues in that video.

Some were wondering if I would do a Halloween livestream this year. I'm sorry to disappoint, but I will not be doing a livestream. I am working and almost finished with my biggest video yet, and I'm trying to focus all my time to finishing this project. I have not configured livestreaming yet, and didn't feel like stressing about getting it set up in a short span of time

However, I can come with a compromise. I would like to do a "Questions and Answers" type video, seeing as I've been gone for almost a decade, it might be nice to have a glimpse into me outside of roleplaying as an online school shooter. I can give more in depth and well thought answers with a recorded video, versus the distractions of a livestream.

Write me any questions you have and I may answer them in a video. Email them to me at: ashleyjones@icum.to

I will probably eventually do a livestream; it's just not in the cards right now. My big video has taken up a lot of time it's taking priority currently. Speaking of which.


This "huge video" I'm referencing has been in the works for a long time. It's by far the best video I've ever created, and I will honestly have a very hard time coming up with any future video that will top this one. It's going to be big. That's why I'm asking you one favor: Please share my website and videos with people who you think would enjoy them. Your friends, family, coworkers, etc.

I want my huge best-video-yet to be seen by more than just 80 people. That's why I'm asking you to share my website or videos with those who you think would also enjoy it. The more viewers and comments I get, the more inclined I am to create more content, because I know that people are enjoying the work I'm putting in. Remember, this is all a hobby for me. My payment is knowing that you guys enjoy the content, so let me know if you enjoy something I did. I have a nice time reading emails.

Don't be shy, email me. ashleyjones@icum.to


I added new things to my website. Since this thing is like a maze, it might be beneficial to let you know what pages were updated.

Updated pages: Fan art page, homepage, reptilian page, poems page, who am i page, fake nudes page, video page

ALERT: I also now accept and encourage cum tributes. Upload you wanking your hog to a picture of me and I will add it to its own cum tribute page, as well as possibly adding it to the end of my video the month you "cumtributed".

ALERT 2: I also now accept contributions to my website, not to be confused with cum-tributions. If you email me about 500+ words of content that you've personally written about any topic you'd like, I will consider adding it to it's own dedicated page as a contributor. I obviosuly cannot publish anything illegal such as slander, incitements to violence, harassment, etc. Use your head.


Currently I have my own board on Endchan. However, it would be in my best interest to host my own imageboard. I have ran into a number of issues on Endchan that go unresolved and it's always better to self host your own things.

If there is an interest for it, I will create my own image board. To be clear, this imageboard will only have one topic: me. As with the previous boards I owned regarding me, I do not delete posts, so you are free to discuss what you'd like (without breaking any laws).

As with all things self hosted, it isn't free. My goal is to break even in terms of cost with all of my self hosted services, such as this website, my peertube instance (AKA where you watch my videos), torrenting, imageboard, etc. For now, ironically, you're welcome to discuss this idea on Endchan. The best way to fund more future videos and projects is to donate. Donations go towards maintaining my server, instances, and video creations. You can donate Monero and Papa Murphy/Little Cesar gift cards.