Antiques seller | 50% positive feedback | 100% badass | Member since 2004

I spend my entire week sourcing and getting the best deals. My partner and I love to leave our customers feeling satisfied. No shoes no shirt - service! Because this is online.

NOT TESTED CRT Tv Retro Gaming

+ $512 shipping

Like new near mint condition. Haven't tested because it doesn't have the remote. Broken for parts only. I tried turning it on and it didn't work. Not tested. These old TVs are really durable so I'm sure it could work with a little TLC and it might work I just haven't tested it. No refunds.

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California "Raisins" (looks like shit to me)

+ $50 shipping

I'm selling shit every day, but it looks like today I'm selling a literal piece of shit. California Raisins. Anybody remember these stupid things? They got pulled off the market for being racist or something. Supposed to look like black people or something. With that logic, when are they going to pull all the Donkey Kong toys off the shelves?

Tell you what - save yourself the money and just eat a loaf of bread, go to the toilet, and bam. California Raisin for free.

One time, my dad and I went to an R&B concert. Soulful and shit, right? Anyways, I swore on my fucking life that half the dudes there were California Raisin mascots. Looked just like them. I went up to one of them asking for a picture. My camera got stolen. Turned around to tell my dad, he got stolen too.

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Mystery Bag

+ $32 shipping

Selling mystery bags filled with used items. Great grab bag for enviormentally conscious birthday-havers. May contain slight smell.

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Multi-purpose gently used condom to reuse or great for at-home pregnancy

+ $20 shipping

Multi-purpose used condom. Can reuse or pour cum into yourself for at-home pregnancy. Vey expensive condom if you're looking to reuse, but very cheap sperm donor if you're looking to get pregnant. Donor is 4' 11" tall (well, short), green eyes, fair skin, has great salesman ability, may have diabetes in the future, also is single. New batches made twice a day.

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Infant Outfit for African American Baby

+ $5 shipping

Not sure if this will sell. They always get abortions.

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scadsofbuckaroos' Reviews
50% positive feedback | 4 reviews

Item review: Sexy Mario Cosplay for Men
this guy is great. very trustworthy.

Item review: Pumpkin Seeds
amazing. i only buy things from this guy.

Item review: RETRO GAMING CRT TV (not tested) >>
the tv EXPLODED when i tried to fix it.. not okay!!!!! my hand blew off and its taken me 4 minutes just to write this review. fuck YOU!!!!!

(Image review, Picture 1 of 1)

Response from the seller: At least now you can get facial reconstruction surgery, you needed it before the "accident" anyways.

Wtf bro? I thought this was the mona lisa because you said its RARE!! this shit is a scam!!!! this aint the mona lisa!

Response from the seller: Are you fucking retarded? Yeah, it's a rare one of a kind Mona Lisa picture.