•Not interested in anything illegal, politics, drugs, racial discussion, harassment.
The above disclaimers address frequent incorrect assumptions about me that are important to distinguish.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() October 5, 2024 Total word count: 4,140 words. This is the first entry in my monthly columns (which very likely may not be monthly). The subjects and questions were submitted to me via email ( and my discussion board ( ). Please submit your questions, tip requests, suggestions, etc. via email with the subject line, "MONTHLY COLUMN", or in the thread linked about the monthly column. In this column, I will discuss the following topics: Tips on Frugal Living While I am not a filthy poor, I am great at not spending large amounts of money on unnecesarry things. I frequently try to find things for free, or at a very discounted rate. Therefore, I think I am a great person to ask for tips on frugal living. These tips will greatly vary depending on where you live and how frugal you want to be. My first piece of advice is to largely rid yourself of frivilous luxury spending and desires. Do not purchase any more clothes, as you likely already have enough to keep yourself successfully clothed, if you desire being clothed. However, I have found solace in being naked for a large amount of the time I'm home, depending on the temperature. I would also recommend to stop "grooming" yourself. This has a negative connotation, but grooming is largely unnecesarry and directly conflicts with our body's natural state. Most people spend unnecesarry amounts of money on shaving facial hair or general body hair, when the chemicals in shaving cream are certainly detremental to your health and the idea of a clean shaven face is completely foreign to our human biology. Hair is there to protect us, and often serves a protective function, especially pubic hair in females, as it has been documented that the removal of pubic hair disrupts the vagina's natural biome. Face it, ladies. You are not 11 years old anymore. Shaving your vagina is not convinging anybody that you're 11. That's the only reason women shave their vagina, it was introduced as "naughty" because your vagina looks prepubescent, and now 45 year old landwhales are doing it. Anyways, shaving any body hair is unnecesarry and will definitely save you money in the long term. Keeping in line with grooming, I would also recommend to no longer purchase multiple various bathing items. Most people purchase shampoo, conditioner, and body soap. All you need is one soap to clean your body, the rest is corporations scamming you. I purchase castille soap and only use that as my body wash and hair wash. You should also no longer purchase deoderant. They terrible for your health. Deoderants often clog your armpits, either completely hindering your ability or at the very least, hindering your ability to sweat. Sweat is a dire part of our lymphatic system, which is our body's natural function of cleaning out harmful chemicals and unneeded waste through things such as sweat, urine, etc. By applying deoderant to your body and stopping this function, you are greatly harming your health just so you don't "smell bad" - which is another myth told to you by lizards and corporations trying to make money from you (also lizards). Our natural scent is appealing to the opposite sex, because sweat has pheromones in it, which is sexually attractive. I don't mind smelling other people's sweat. Anyways, clogging your lymphatic system via the armpits can eventually lead to many illnesses, including lymphoma, which is a type of cancer. Deoderants often have many harmful chemicals that endanger your health, and heavy metals that enter your body. This "grooming" product is completely unnecesarry, illogical, and detremental to your health. It will save both money and your health to no longer buy it. I haven't worn deoderant for a long time. While for men, I recommend you generally do not cut your hair because long hair looks very nice on males. If you dislike long hair (which is understandable if you frequently engage in fisticuffs or other forms of physical combat or battle), simply buy a cheap pair of scissors and cut your hair yourself. I haven't gone to a hair cutter in years. I have saved hundreds of dollars on hair cuts with a $1 pair of scissors. Either grow out your hair (because it looks better that way), or cut it yourself. If you're worried your haircut looks bad (which it will if you're a male with short hair), don't worry. With practice your hair cuts will turn out better. If you're comfortable temporarily upping your budget from $1 to about $30, you can purchase an electric hair clipper, which has attachments that will give you different hair lengths. All you do is rub the hair clipper on your head and it gets rid of the hair to the determined length based on the clipper attachment size. For women, I recommend to stop purchasing makeup. Once again, it's harmful to your health and probably the most expensive out of all of the things I've listed so far. Men generally prefer women who are natural (without makeup). I heavily prefer this, too. Women with makeup look awful. The common thread here is that natural is always better, and lizards/corporations make you feel guilty for your body in its natural state, so you have to be a slave to the system to "fix" your natural body. By no longer wearing makeup, you will save your health, money, and look better to others. In my life I have mainly worn eyeliner, which I stopped wearing regularly about a year, year and a half, ago. It's not to say you can never wear makeup, and I occasioanlly may apply eyeliner in the future. However, cutting it out as a daily habit is beneficial. These tips regarding frugal living apply to our grooming and apperance. However, there are many other tips outside of groomig I would like to touch on. Stop purchasing anything digital. If somethig is digital, you do not need to purchase it. This is like flushing your money into a toilet. I'm amazed I lived through the golden age of piracy, only for it to somehow be completely forgotten in favor of god awful """streaming platforms""" like Spotify, Netflix, Apple, etc. If you pay for these services, you should be ashamed because you are dumb cattle. When I was a 10 year old I knew how to get anything digital I wanted for free. A 10 year old female's intelligence is equivilent to a 4 year old boy with down syndrome. If you pay for these services, you are willing cattle. I see many people write about how they don't want to "look poor" by pirating, they NEED Netflix to not look poor. You don't look poor, you look like a massive retard. I imagine someone using a handful of """streaming services""" that renew each month much spend a few hundred dollars a year on something they can get for free. THESE ARE DIGITAL FILES YOU CAN GET ONLINE FOR FREE. I couldn't ever get along with somebody who uses Spotify, Netflix, etc. because it means you own a cell phone, participate in the globohomo matrix, and like being cattle slave giving your slave money to your corporate overlords instead of just getting it for free. If you have any self respect, you would stop paying for these "services" and just get what you want for free. That's my tip, ot so much for frugal living, but to stop being a humiliating piece of garbage who throws their money away. Onto the next tip. Keeping in line with the technology side of things, I suggest that you should learn basic technology repair. Knowing how to solder, how to connect two broken wires together, how to replace a small component on a PCB, can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars in repairs. Once a component in my computer didn't work. It would cost $120 to replace. However, I took out this component and cleaned it, put it back in, and it worked again. All with a simple quick clean. Most people would throw it away and buy a new one, but just by taking a small extra step, I saved myself over a hundred dollars. Normal people will often replace the capacitor in their HVAC because a dedicated tech will charge anywhere from $100-$800 for a simple job. Or, you can order the cheap part yourself (under $50) and do it yourself. You're replacing less items, and spending less on people to do this for you. I also recommend buying rechargable batteries. Batteries are expensive and their lifetime is fairly short. Rechargable batteries are a larger upfront cost, but long term will quickly save you money. I recommend getting rechargable batteries from Panasonic, as other brands do not have the same standard of quality. Also, generally do not leave electronics plugged in unless you very frequently use them, or are actively using them. Even if "off", over time they can still consume small amounts of power that add up, especially if you have many unused items plugged in. Try to find alternatives for items you use that are disposible. For example, paper towels. I stopped buying paper towels after I realized how many I go through, and how expensive they are. Ultimately, I was wasting my money on disposible trash items. Instead, I bought a pack of thin cloths to use instead of paper towels. They work perfect. You can choose different types of thicknesses and types of fabric to optomize what you're using the cloth for. For example, an absortant cotton cloth is best to dry dishes. Similar to the above, toilet paper is an item many in the US use that is completely pointless and not optimal. Using a water hose attachment on your toilet, you can way more efficiently clean off the feces from your rectum compared to smearing it aroud a bunch with toilet paper. It's cheaper, offers less waste, and a much more efficient way to clean yourself. It's strange that we live in houses with a usually abundunt supply of water, and yet we still choose to use a smear method instead of a cleanlier water method to clean our feces. I understand using leaves if you were outdoors as a method to clean yourself, especially if no water supply was nearby. However, this is not the situation we find ourselves in with modern ammenities. Speaking of poop, now we can talk about food. Food is likely one of the largest factors of spending. The most expensive foods one buys are either meat or processed foods. Vegetables are very cheap (contrary to what non-vegetable eaters will tell you), however, I find that legumes offer the best price versus performance. Lentils are my favorite legume, though, sometimes I also eat pinto beans. Lentils are packed with protein and will keep you very full. You can use lentils in a variety of different ways, I have made a "hamburger" conction with lentils, which can be used to make "burgers", tacos, meatballs, and more, just by using lentils, seasonings, and sometimes parmesean cheese or egg. If you prefer a simpler meal, a lentil vegetable soup is also one of my favorite meals. 2 cups of lentil soup a day will keep me very full, and the cost of this meal is cents per day. You also have a very low risk of getting sick from lentils compared to more biological sources such as animal meat. Lentils are incredibly cheap, easy to cook, are ehtical, and very healthy for you. In case I need to state the obvious, if you want to save money, do not purchase processed foods. Processed foods are terrible for your health and come with a larger price. It's not to say you can never indulge in an unhealthy processed food - I enjoy processed foods from time to time. However, it's important to not allow processed foods be apart of your daily consumption habits. Generally, I would also advise against purchasing meat, as meat is costly, unethical, and also very bad for your health if you purchase factory farmed meat. Dropping any poor consumption habits is dire if you want to save money. Stopping things such as smoking, drinking acohol or soda will benefit your health and finances. I used to purchase a ton of carbonated beverages. However, I now make my own CO2 drinks at home with a CO2 machine. The cost is incredibly cheap compared to purchasing soda or seltzer water from the store, and making it at home is healthier. If you do not like plain water, you can always add flavor to your water using natural means, such as fruit juice from a fruit. Another option is to drink tea, as tea is fairly cheap and healthy. You'll notice that edible items that are bad for you are also costly. It's because bad food is manufactured, and manufacturing is simply for a profit. One last option to acquire food for cheap is to dumpster drive. I have personally never dumpster dove (with exception for the time someone dumped their trash into mine, I essentially dumpster dove at home), however, I would love to dumpster dive one day. Your ability and success to dumpster dive will depend on your location. In the USA, stores continually dump perfectly fine food out in the dumpsters every day. Some food is barely expired or surpassed the "best by" date. The "best by" date is simply a recomendation and does not indicate that the food is actually bad. In this case, perfectly good food is thrown away. You would be shocked at the types of perfectly fine fresh produce is thrown away at store dumpsters. You could live off of dumpster diving if you were dedicated. However, most stores do not allow people to dumpster drive, which means you would be looking through and taking their trash without permission, which frequently results in the cops getting called on you. I think it's absoloutely bizarre that if someone throws away trash, it's illegal for another person to take that trash. The person has consented to not wanting the item(s) anymore, and therefore, it should rightfully be taken by whoever wants it. Perhaps we could distinguish this with two different types of cans, a consenting can and a non-consenting can. Items thrown in the consenting can are available to the general public to take. Items in the non-consenting can are private matters that the owner wants discarded without others invading their privacy (perhaps thrown away period pads, sensitive paperwork, etc.) The advice for frugal living is long, and I could likely write plenty more if I put my mind to it. However, in an effort to publish my monthly column sooner, I will offer only one last piece of advice. Only have items you really like. Do not purcase items you won't realistically get use out of. This problem is especially applicable to women, who tend to acquire items they never need simply because it makes them feel good to purchase in the moment. If you see an item you want, think about the item and how often you'll realistically use it. Do not try to trick yourself by telling yourself you'll use the item all the time, when in fact it will collect dust. This logic applies to both useful items (such as appliances), and other non-useable goods like decorations. It's fine to purchase items for decoration or occasional use, but only if they're very cheap and you genuinely really like them. I sometimes collect old trash to hang on my wall, and the trash is not necesarry, but it was either free or only a few cents, and I like it a lot. "Discuss the latest happenings in the CWC saga from your unique perspective as a fellow legal loli child-woman" However, the sender of this topic indicates that the female is of-age, a "legal loli". As long as she is happy (she being the female, not Chris), then I feel as though that's all that matters. In fact, I feel good for Chris that he was able to strike a romantic relationship with a real female, and one that looks cute. I suspect that since people have grown to constantly criticize everything Chris Chan does, that they will somehow justify this relationship to be a negative thing. I can only see this as a good thing from a surface level. I am incredibly impressed with Chris Chan's ability to go from one age group to the total opposite age group (elderly mother sex to legal loli romance). As a "legal loli" myself (though that title is rapidly fading), I think women shouldn't have their male partners judged simply because the female is young looking. Women with youthful apperances deserve basic human rights (such as love) like any other human, regardless of their apperance. To shame a youthful looking woman's love life to be "ethically questionable" simply based upon her looks is discrimination. I find that very young people (age 25 and under) tend the be the ones weirdly obsessed with pedophilia and deem many things to be pedophilic when on a biological level, it simply doesn't meet actual pedophilic requirements (i.e. prepubescent). Often times we cannot control our looks, especially how our bodies or faces develop. To shame a person based solely upon his or her looks goes against everything "progressive" people tout all the time. I write this because as someone who is the size of an average 12 year old, and as someone who has baby face, I have been confronted with strange questions from strangers in a similar fashion to what I have described above. Whereas if I were simply taller, I wouldn't have to face unwarrented questions from strangers. I do hope that he (Chris Chan) will stop pretending to be a female now that he has an actual female girlfriend. I suspect that for many trannies, the reason they start pretending to be a female is to fill a void for not having a girlfriend, so they "become" the girlfriend. That's the only conclusion I can come to, as I see MANY men interested in technology that are girlfriend-less that eventually become trannies. Speaking of trannies: The other day I saw this guy in the grocery store. He had long hair that was back in a relaxed ponytail, he had a graphic t-shirt, a flannel on (unbuttoned), casual jeans, and sneakers. I kept eye-balling him because I thought he looked incredibly cool, sort of like a guy you'd spot in a comic shop in 1997. He didn't really stand out, he was just a guy. However, I was thinking to myself, "if I was a guy, that is exactly how I'd look." I told this scenario to someone and he pointed out that there are males who probably have thought the same about me. I was disgusted with myself, there are definitely men who eyeball women thinking, "Oooohhhh~~~! I would look JUST like that if I was a girl :3". I'm one of the most tranny-non-trannies out there, I have too many tranny mannerisms. Ultimately, I'm happy that Chris Chan is making progress in his life. I'm unsure what is being said about him/his relationship, since I don't have an interest in following these things. However, we should all be glad for him that he's likely lost his virginity. Oh wait, that was with his mom. Your website is a social experiment, art, etc. People in my monthly column discussion thread assume my website/videos are an "art project", social experiemnt, pet project, etc. All of this isn't an art project, this is simply a result of my values and interests. My skits aren't art, they're just what I find funny. When Antique's Guy shoves a horse dildos up "gods pocket" (his anus) to train to steal more antiques, it isn't an artistic commentary on society. It's just funny to me. Strangely enough, a mere few months after I made a video about Antiques Guy wearing skirts inside antique stores and shoving items up his anus to steal them, a man actually did this in real life. I have no idea if this man saw my video and thought this was a good idea, but the parellels and timing is very coincidental. Link to the news story about this:
I will address the terms used specifically that people called my website/videos: As for "social experiment", this "social experiment" would be highly predictable - a Peertube instance gets less visits than a Youtube channel, and a female on the internet sometimes gets called cute. Very predictable, end of social experiment. 2016 prank Youtubers seem to have put a twist on the term "social experiment", making the masses misunderstand what a social experiment actually looks like. Think the Milgram experiment, not some loser retard who makes videos about her favorite discount chips from the Dollar Tree. Though it's not to say I will never conduct a social experiment -- if I did, I would I would abduct 50-100 females and keep them in a Fallout-style vault. I would join them in the vault and make it appear so that I was "randomly selected" to be the only one with special non-revocable privileges (the vault security system would terminate any female who attempted to harm me or otherwise remove my authority). My privileges are that I'm the sole owner of the only Hitachi Magic Wand™ in the entire underground complex (self-stimulation will also result in termination for any of the females). I am also the only one able to procure food from the replicator unit. As for anything being "performance art", I always have thought any form of "art" that isn't a drawing or paint is phony and gay. Art can't be an action. If you think art is an action, then you are pretentious. (Acting and music are talents.) The phrase "performance art" either makes me think of Marina Abramovic spirit cooking with blood and semen, or people smearing poop in the middle of a room and people are staring at the poop trying to figure out what it means (meanwhile I would be trying to figure out what they ate). Another topic of discussion was once again my web design. It "looks bad" (even though I really don't see how it looks bad), and therefore my website is either art or ironic. My web design is simply what I like, just as me choosing to use VCRs over DVD players or Netflix isn't an artistic statement - it's just what I like for various reasons. As I have stated on my website a few times, my choice in lightweight HTML/CSS is not an attempt to recreate "old internet"/Geocities (even though many websites outside of Geocities used colored fonts, .gifs, and textures.) nor is my website an attempt to make an artistic statement. I just like colors, .gifs, and utilizing HTML's tags. It's all the normies who have dropped colors/.gifs because social media has neutered the ability for you to customize profiles in any way. Just because everyone else has dropped use of colors/gifs at the beheast of social media doesn't mean I should follow suit. The bloated Wordpress website with blistering white backgrounds has always disinterested me. I'm not talented enough with my hands to make art. I can do a few impressive things with my hands, but not art. "Hey Ashley, in light of Russia's incursion and expansion into Ukraine with the possibility of the invasion of Poland by Russia since Poland is supplying Ukraine with arms as is the U.S. and since Poland is a NATO member thus possibly creating a NATO members attack against Russia and since Russia and China relations are on a friendly basis do you foresee 1) an alignment of China and Russia against NATO members in a worldwide conflagration and 2) will China seize the opportunity to invade Taiwan forcing the U.S. to come to the aid of Taiwan forcing the U.S. to fight on 2 fronts furthering an even greater conflagration." My response: I think the real question here is why you would ask a woman this question. This is the end of the monthly column The subjects and questions were submitted to me via email ( and my discussion board ( ). Please submit your questions, tip requests, suggestions, etc. via email with the subject line, "MONTHLY COLUMN", or in the thread linked about the monthly column. I will address them in future monthly column issues. If you are a teacher who wants to use my column as educational reading material for students, you are welcome to do so. About the author: Ashley Jones Ashley Jones, author of other works such as, "Kevin Sorbo and the Baby Oil", is an esteemed creative writer and comic book creator. She is self-taught, yet many readers agree her skills surpass those who were trained in professional settings. Her goal in life is to work with the elderly in a retirement home in an attempt to acquire their posessions before they perish. She is survived by her two dogs. |