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Not interested in anything illegal, politics, drugs, racial discussion, harassment.

The above disclaimers address frequent incorrect assumptions about me that are important to distinguish.

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My convictions
I am someone who thinks independently without abiding to a group to pre-formulate my opinions for me. I do not hold my opinions out of impulse, out of the desire to please, nor out of mindless apadtion to what others abide to. My opinions are held on what I belive is the most logical while being the most ethical and empathetic. We live in a world with a nervous systems and emotions for animals and humans (same thing) alike, thus, we should also consider those feelings. That is not the case in our world.

Cyclists are one of the most homosexual GAY ANNOYING people to exist on EARTH

I hate cyclists with a burning passion. These faggots are the GAYEST MOST ANNOYING retards to exist. They wear the tightest fitting clothing possible to show off their flaccid cocks to each other and to anybody around them.

And if that weren't enough, they present their ass up in the air, begging to be fucked by their cyclist buddies, as they ride their bike in the middle of the road. It's homosexual.

Look at the seat they ride on, it looks like a black cock about to go up their ass. Don't get me started on their gay helmets, the "aerodynamic" helmets they wear. YOU FAGGOTS AREN'T IN THE TOUR DE FRANCE, YOU'RE IN FRONT OF MY CAR IN AN INTERSECTION IN A MINNESOTA TOWN WITH A POPULATION OF 5,000. They LIKE the look of the costume. And that's just what it is - a costume. You're required to have a "look" as a cyclist - you aren't *really* a cyclist if you don't spend hundreds of dollars on the gay gear. God forbid you just get a bike and ride it around on a trail like anyone else.

These people LIKE to be seen. They WANT to be seen as cool, which is why they ride right in front of my fucking car at 15mph in a 45mph zone. I swear, every time I pass one of these cyclists, I am *this* close to yelling "FAGGOT" out the window at them. The only reason I haven't is because they like to record everything on their gay bikes and upload it to Youtube, so then I'd have to deal with you people knowing where I live just because I called some fruit on a bike a faggot. Think I'm exaggerating? Think again. These homos have an entire community built on "catching" drivers who dare drive too close or blow their exhaust at the poor little faggy cyclist. There's Youtube channels dedicated to this. Part of their culture is being a victim by cars. Almost like it's dangerous to be in the middle of the road going 15mph on a 45mph road. Oh but I'm sure cars almost hitting you is surely a personal attack and nothing to do with the fact that what you're doing is DANGEROUS YOU RETARD.

I've seen these "share the road" signs in the most insane and dangerous places. I've seen them on HIGHWAYS, yes, HIGHWAYS, where the cyclist would BARELY have any room next to the car. It's insanely dangerous and I guess to some people, the constant threat of dying is fun... until it actually happens.

I will never understand the mind of a cyclist. You are not in the fricken' Tour de France. You look like a homosexual that's inconveniencing HEAVY METAL HIGH POWERED CARS RIGHT BEHIND YOU. It's incredibly dangerous, and you can't rely on the very heavy, high powered cars and the people driving them to honor your life. Road rage is real, you might be the tipping point for some angry old boomer in his Ram to RAM INTO YOU and kill you. God I hate cyclists, their gay look, their cocky "better than you" attitude. Hey fudge stripe, in a battle between my CAR and your soft body, my CAR WILL WIN. Get off the road and go suck some cocks instead. Stop riding the bikes and go ride cocks instead, you homo.

Nudity should be normalized

I don't understand why people get offended or sensitive over the human body. Especially the female human chest. We all have nipples, we all know what they look like, so I don't understand why a female being topless is unacceptable, whereas a male topless is normal. I've seen shirtless men with more shapely, larger breasts than mine. Personally, I have stopped caring if other people see the shape of my breasts or my nipples if they were to be poking in the freezer section of the grocery store. I stopped wearing bras years ago. I often times want to be topless outside in my yard because it feels good and natural. I like the sun on my skin, and I especially love the rain on my skin. It's very unfortunate that our natural human body is massively shamed, by who I believe, is the reptilians (for a number of reasons). Logically, it makes no sense to be outraged by the female human chest. We all know what nipples look like, we all have them, I truly believe women should be allowed to be topless like men are. If it's hot out and you're doing yard work - pop your top off, who cares?

I understand that males and some females sexualize the human chest. However, that is not my problem. That is none of my concern what others think about my body. I should be allowed to wear my human body as it is just like anyone else should be. What I can't wrap my mind around is why people are shocked or offended by the human body, since we ALL know what these parts look like and we all have them. I understand in certain scenarios being topless or nude would likely be inapproriate, or that perverts would use it as a way to expose themselves to children. In an ideal world, we could live like tribes where the human body is normal, it's not overtly sexual. This is why we're so offended over the human body - it's constantly concealed, so the moment we get to see a female chest, it's suddenly sexual because it's normally tabboo to be seen. I wish I could be shirtless outside, I envy males who get to truly feel the wind, the earth on their backs and their chest. Female and male nipples look the same, I don't understand why it should be illegal for me to experience nature in my natural state.

Anyways, I highly dislike the "nudist" people because it is NOT about accepting the human body in its natural state. It's completely co-opted by pedophiles who want to expose themselves to childen or for children to expose themselves to others for sexual gratification. There are nudist resorts pedophile parents force their children to go to (as a child you have no personal autonomy and are completely a slave to your parents - trust me, I know this because I couldn't LEGALLY decide which parent I wanted to live with up until I was 18 years old. If your parent wants you to do something, a child in the US has no legal say over that, so if your parent wants to go to a nudist resort, you must go). A human body should simply be a human body, it's unfortunate that being unclothed immediately brings on sexualization. This is mostly an issue because clothes is the expected default. The more tabboo something is, the more naughty the thing is.

I am not a nudist. However, I do believe that at the very least, females should have the right to be topless in similar settings as males are allowed to. I don't think a woman is a slut if she's in her natural state, in her human body, and proceeds life as normal. How one acts portrays slutty behavior. Living your life in your natural human body should be a right without caviots. I feel detached from people who constantly see the human body as flawed (e.g. circumcision industry, body hair removal industry, clothing industry). These industries are harmful for the victims in them (infant boys, and modern day slaves in sweatshops), and the main motivating factor is money among all these industries.

I am not a Zoomer. Please stop with this misconception.

I was considered a Millenial my entire life until I was 20 in 2019. It was that year that I started hearing people refer to me and others my age as Zoomers. I was confused as to why there was a sudden shift when my entire life I was a Millenial. I even remember one of my High School teachers mention how it was funny we were all in the same generation, she was around her late 20's and we were 18, only a ten year age difference.

This sudden shift is bizarre and most people go along with it mindlessly. I was always a Millenial. I still am. Apparently *now* the general year of birth for Zoomers is anywhere from 1994-1997. Generations are never a strict year range. Generations are made up on experiences regarding a certain time line. I'm at the age range where based on how you lived your childhood, based on the experiences you had, you can easily fall into the Millenial or Zoomer generation. Even though someone may consider me a Zoomer, I absoloutely do NOT relate to Zoomers at all. Never have, never will. Once again, generations are made upon experiences, not solely the year cut off. That is just a generalization.

I have had a number of Zoomers (around 15-19) call my phone line and it's insane how many references I make or things I talk about that they have no idea about. Even something as extremely iconic as Duke Nukem is unknown to them. No, I'm not kidding. When I was a kid on the internet, you couldn't go a day without seeing Duke Nukem referenced somehow. He was really popular, along with Beavis and Butthead, which is one of my favorite shows as a child and still is to this day. I especially differ from Zoomers when it comes to technology and experiences on the internet. I was on the internet from a young age. Since I had a very hard time making friends at school, I used the internet as a way to have communication with others. I was the "lul so randum" type, but online that was fairly standard. In person it was annoying and I was weird. That being said, I experienced a ton of things on the internet that Zoomers have no concept about. I was torrenting from a young age, and while torrenting definitely shouldn't be an achievemnet, these RETARD ZOOMERS don't even know how to download an .mp3 from a Youtube video. They screen record it on their phone and complain about having to be silent so they don't ruin the audio with their voice. Yes, this is clearly, CLEARLY, a major generational difference. Another thing, one of my fondest memories was downloading toolbars and getting viruses and trying to figure out how to remove it from the family computer before anyone found out. Zoomers don't have toolbars, they don't know what those are. They got replaced for apps. Zoomers can't get viruses anymore - every device, be it a computer or phone, is heavily babby-proofed so if you want a virus, you're going to have to jump through some hoops to get one. Things like HTML and markup were common when I was a kid, and I learned the very basics of it. The only time a Zoomer will know HTML is if they have a Neocities phase for 2 weeks. The list continues. "VHS aesthetics" is a phrase that makes me want to kill myself. Most Zoomers never had experience with VCRs, and for some reason hold this nostalgia for how VHS tapes look even though they never experienced it. What's funny is that the "VHS aesthetic" is not true to life - you'd have to have a heavily damaged tape via magnents or moisture damage to get that awful of a look. VCRs, VHS tapes, camcorders, I used them all as a kid and it wasn't anything special. That was what we had before we started using DVDs. Same with CDs, used those and I'm pretty sure most Zoomers would not have used CDs.

I'm not saying I'm a hardcore Millenial. There are certain things I didn't experience or can't remember. However, I am definitely a late-term Millenial, one of the very last few. FOR GODS SAKE I WAS BORN BEFORE THE MILLENIUM. MILLENIAL -> MILLENIUM. Being a later Millenial, I experienced a VERY different internet from the Zoomers. Especially when it comes to internet culture. The entirety of how people acted on the internet is inperceivable to Zoomers. People didn't take things so seriously or personally, it wasn't expected that you should tell people your real name or every little thing about you (unless a personal website), being on the internet wasn't a 24/7 thing either. Being on the internet was with intention. It wasn't readily available any single time you were bored. It was 100% noticible how internet quality declined the more phone users used the internet. When you use a phone, you're vastly limited as to how you interact with the internet. Your posts will be shorter and of less value because it takes much longer to type on a phone, and it's way more inconvenient to look up reference things when on a phone compared to a computer. You are also using the internet with way less intent. When you were forced to be on a computer, it was more of a dedicated event. You're on the computer, you're using the intenret. With a phone, it's a very passive mindless butchered use of the internet. I genuinely don't understand how someone has a comfortable time using a cell phone for internet browsing. It feels like an insult. You feel like a monkey doing that. However, that's really all Zoomers know and prefer, they didn't experience much different. I did, though, which is why it's confusing to me when people call me a Zoomer. As you can see, it's all about the experiences rather than just a birth year.

For more examples, how I experienced my first exposure to pornography wasn't through the internet. It was Playboy magazines for years, then porn on TV, then the internet. For most Zoomers it would have been via the internet.

I will say that there are people who are my exact age who definitely fall in line with the Zoomer category. Mostly because these kids growing up were normies. They were watching the latest TV, movies, music, and didn't use the internet because that was still for losers up until Facebook and smartphones became popular. Since I was a loser retard, I was using the internet at a young age, I experienced a totally different world from the normies.

To add onto this, much of the media I consumed growing up was from the 80's and 90's. They were showing plenty of re-runs of 90's cartoons when I was a kid. However, I never had Saturday morning cartoons, since I'm a late Millenial, there were channels like Cartoon Network. My parents mostly played music from the 80's and is probably why I really enjoy the music from that time. Shows and movies I loved included/includes the 1985 Care Bears series (one of my favorites), PeeWees Big Adventure (amazing), Beavis and Butthead, TMNT, etc. I also had many toys from the 70's since that's when my parents were children and they passes their toys onto me. Many 1970's Fisher Price toys, toys like Little People, the Little People boat, carport, Barn, and a metal Dollhouse from the 1970's. I recall even wearing those god awful super scratchy kids pajamas from the 1980's that had cartoon characters on them. Mine had Strawberry Shortcake. I have a lot of experience with these things.

There is a clear generational devide between me and the Zoomers. They cannot relate to the things I talk about, the references I make, and vice versa. When I mention Beanie Babies to a 17 year old, they think I'm talking about Beanie Boos, which isn't something I saw until probably 2015 when I was 16. The phrase "boomer shooters" is a dead giveaway that someone's a Zoomer and has shit taste, because that term is a disgrace to games like DOOM and Duke Nukem.

Also, how I handle things like homosexuality and identity politics is vastly different from Zoomers. The Zoomers act like this stuff is real, without question or self awareness that it's weird. I never hesitate when I know something is faggot behavior. Trannies are not """trans""", they're trannies and weirdos. But when these Zoomers call me they start off the conversation with "what are your pronouns?" with a SERIOUS intention. I don't play along with that stuff, and it's a generational thing with people like me who grew up in a certain time who haven't changed due to societal pressure. It's clear I'm very guy-ish with my interests and things I do, so when I remark about my dislike of my breasts, they immedietly jump to "well you can get "top surgery". It's insane how programmed the Zoomers are. Their generation is continually taught to never truly be okay with who you are. You always have to feel pressured to fit in a certain label, a certain race, a certain gender, it's all overdramatized identity politics. I say if a man ever sucks a cock or yearns for a cock, that man's a homo. Then they try to explain to me that sexuality is a fricken' spectrum. Sure, it's a spectrum: FUCKING GAY and STRAIGHT. If a man EVER yearns for a cock or has jacked off to gay porn (yes, trannies are gay because they're men), then that man is forever a homo. I don't care if he regrets it, if he 70% likes women 30% likes men - it doesn't work like that. The dude is a fag. And guess what? I don't care. I don't care if someone is gay or wants to play dress up, with red lip stick between his stubble. Who cares. I don't. However, it is weird. It's funny. It's bizarre being exposed to Zoomers with how brainwashed they are into this garbage. Plenty of Millenials are as well, however, ones who grew up on the internet with that certain internet culture call it as they see it and I will never change that about myself. There is no way on Earth someone can truly compare me to be similar to a modern day 15 or 20 year old. The experiences don't align.

Clearly I am not a Zoomer.

People who enjoy hot weather have a more reptilian brain and are generally stupider. Rain and cloudy weather is the best weather. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's factual and logical.

The default response you're supposed to have when it's blisteringly sunny out is, "It's so nice outside." People don't have many preferences and take on whatever the default is given to you by society. Since reptilians run our society, and reptilians are cold-blooded, they much prefer the hot weather. This is why in the media we continually hear that very hot weather is nice weather. Reptilians also hate life and feed off of a death cycle. When you have heat so hot it starts to kill life. There's less chance of rain, which means plants and food can't trive, and the heat is so hot it kills the plants by drying them out.

Rain is the source of life. When it rains continually for a period of time, plants thrive. I ALWAYS feel a million times better when it's cloudy out and raining. For some reason I feel more conscious when it's raining. Rain represents life and safety. You have a water source, your food will thrive, plants continue to live, there is no threat of fire. Continual sun, especially very hot sun ruins all of this. This is a pre-curated opinion given to people because reptilians run the show and control the media/politics/education. Any logical person would realize that heat and hot temperatures are inferior.

A dumb retard might say, "But the sun is so nice because that means you can do things." This makes no sense to me. I assume by "do things" they mean go outside for a walk, or perhaps eat at a restraunt outside? I go on walks all the time in the rain, I love it. I love to sit in the rain, lay in the rain. Rain doesn't stop you from enjoying the outdoors, it actually makes it more enjoyable because you can actually withstand the temperature and the scenery is a million times more beautiful with rain providing life. With """good weather""" in the summer, you can't go outside barefoot without burning your feet. How is that "nice"? There are also always fires in the summer because it's insanely easy for fires to start. When it's blisteringly hot out, you really can't do much outside, which is why it makes no logical sense as to why people say it's "so nice out". You can't do anything when it's 105 degrees out. This is why kids have to play with some form of water in the summer in order to even withstand the heat (such as water guns, super soakers, pools, sprinklers, etc.) If you are to spend a prolonged time in the heat, your skin can burn, your feet will burn, you may come across rattlesnakes, fires may occur, the list goes on and on. Then when you go inside, you crave the cool air and a cool drink. It's really strange mentality, rain and everything that comes along with rain is much more natural. It represents life, temperatures are not as drastic and generally maintain at a livable comfortable range, and I believe it must provide some sort of conscious benefit since I always feel much better when it rains. It's not to say it should rain every single day for months on end. Balance is key. Ideally it should rain 75% of the time, and moderate sun 25% of the time.

I usually find that I get along better with people who also prefer the rain. Something about it usually signals that they're a thinking person compared to pre-programmed non-thinking humans. It's bizarre that the media equates rain to sadness and depression. It's inversion, as the reptilians do with everything because it's a major part of the occult.

Women should not be allowed to work as check-out employees at stores.

Every single time I go to the grocery store and the line is packed so long it goes into the isles, it's ALWAYS because an old woman is running the check out. I've started a game with myself, based off of the line length I can determine the gender of the check out employee. I swear, it's always older women (age 45 to 70) who have the hardest time with the most basic job. It's happened multiple times where I go to check out and there's two options:
1. An older woman who has 1 or 2 customers in her line
2. A man who has 4 customers in his line
EVERY TIME the man will STILL manage to be quicker than the woman. It doesn't matter the guys age or ethnicity, he will always be much more effifient than the older women. For some reason the old women always find a way to hassel me about whatever I'm buying. I've had one basically interrogate me over every item I was buying. When an old woman has to look up an item to ring it up, I know I'm about to lose a good 3 valuable minutes of my life right then and there. They sit there, jam the screen over and over, mumble under their breath, then call over a man to do the job for them. Then afterwards they'll complain about how they're the only one who does all the work. I had this one old woman non-stop talk about how she's the only one who works hard, meanwhile she isn't scanning any of my items and is holding up the line to complain to me. That was what hell on Earth feels like. I also remember I was buying a large 5-gallon water refill. She was convinced that my 5-gallon water jug was actually only 1 gallon. I was trying to explain 1st grade math to this woman, who is the one complaining about nobody working, and she scoffed at me like I was the retarded one and said "alriiight" with an upward inflection as she tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. It's weird when someone who is retarded is overly confident regarding something they are clearly wrong about. But that's old women for you.

I almost never have a pleasent experience with old women. They hate their jobs, are rude, and can't complete the most basic of tasks. The most miserable old women work these jobs because they divorced their husband, so they don't have a husband who can finanically support them in their retirement age. Now I'm stuck dealing with them at the check out trying to explain basic math to them. I have no clue who hires these old women.

Another story: I was trying to find wood paneling at Home Depot. For the life of me I couldn't find this specific brand they were supposed to have accoring to the online search function I looked at before going to the store. As I was about to leave, I saw this old woman employee standing next to a Home Depot computer. I knew it was a bad idea that was going to go nowhere, but I was pretty desperate. I asked her if she could look up on the HOME DEPOT COMPUTER where this paneling was located. I had the brand, model number, everything but the isle number. Presumably, the fricken Home Depot computer would surely have a database of their stock and the isle at which it's located at. Or at the very least, it would have access to the Home Depot website to look up this exact information. It's a very very easy task to fulfill. However, not so much for an old woman. She just gave me a confused look, sat dead eyed for a few seconds as the cogs in her brain tried to turn but couldn't, so she couldn't really processed what I said, and then she just told me to download the Home Depot app. HEY YOU OLD FUCKING HAG, I AM AT HOME DEPOT. RIGHT NEXT TO THE HOME DEPOT COMPUTER. JESUS CHRIST. It's over. This is how dumb people are now. Anyways, after proceeding to tell her I don't use cell phones, she was further confused (shocking) asking how I function in life, blah blah blah, the usual. Then she referred me to a library to look up the Home Depot website to see where this paneling was located. Jesus Christ. I knew trying to ask this hag for help was going to be bad, but not this bad.

Since then, I've made a pact with myself to never ask old women for anything and to avoid them at all costs. If I ever approach one again, it will only be for pure entertainment to see how their brain manages to complicate a basic request.

I am no longer using the Imperial System

As of April 27, 2024, I will make the conscious effort to no longer refer nor use the imperial system for measurments. This will be a difficult change for me to make, as I have been accostumed to the imperial measurment system for the past 25 years of my life. However, I find the system of measurment very flawed and inconvenient, especially as most of the world opts for the more accurate metric system.

I have decided to finally make this change after learning about the ridiculous naming system of CMD ceramic capacitor casings. The CMD ceramic capacitor casings are named after their measurments, which I find convenient and straight forward. However, they are based off of imperial measurments. When we know that CMD ceramic capacitors are notociously small; you would think it's foolish to name their casings after the imerial system, as we know the smallest measurment in the imerial system is inches. Most Americans do not bother using centimeters nor millimeters.

Well, this is where our problem is. The CMD ceramic capacitor casings are MILLIMETERS small. They cannot measure an inch, not even half an inch. A common CMD cermaic capacitor measures 0.08 inches by 0.06 inches. The casing is named a 0806 casing, meaning it's 0.08 inches by 0.06 inches.

When we try to visiualize what 0.08 inches looks like, it's nearly impossible. This is not due to a lack of intelligence. However, it is due to a lack of using inches in such a miniscule measurement. Americans never refer to inches in such small measurements, it's very hard to visualize. This is an absurd naming convention and they should have realized this flaw.

If I want to measure a CMD ceramic capacitor to determine what casing size it is, I would never in my right mind use the inches section of my ruler. It's very impractical and confusing. However, a very simple choice a sane person would make is to refer to the millimeters section of their ruler to measure a very small object for a very accruate measurment. This example was the final straw for me. I am no longer going to abide by the imperial system. It is flawed. It is a very generalized way of measuring something. It's also very pig-headed and innacurate. It limits how specific we can get with a measurment. For some reason I am a lot more well versed in millimeters and centimeters than most Americans. I am shocked at the average American's lack of compresension of superior measurment practices.

I am not as well versed in metric measurments as someone who has grown up with this superior measurment instilled in them since childhood. I will frequently be measuring items around my house to gain a more familiar understanding with their size in the superior measurment convention. Due to pure habit, I may casually refer to something in inches. This is not due to a lack of willpower, nor a lack of commitment to my new change. It is purely a bad habit that I am trying to rid away. There will be mistakes.

While we are on this topic, I will quickly mention other strictly Americanized choices that I reject for purely logical reasons.
1. I do not spell it "publicly". This makes no sense when words that typically end in "cally" have an "a" in them. Logically, it should be spelled, "publically". I will continue to choose to spell it this way, as it logically makes more sense.

2. I do not spell it "gray". When I pronounce the word "grey", there is clearly an "e" in it. Not an "a". The original word is spelled with an "e", there was no need to bastardize its spelling with an "a".

3. I do not pronounce the word "solder" as "sodder". The word is spelled with an "l", but not only that. I refered to the origin of the word "solder", and this is what I found. "to consolidate, close, fasten together, join with solder" (13c.), from Latin solidare "to make solid," from solidus "solid"
The word ultimately comes from "solid", which we do not pronounce "soid". We say, "solid" with an "l".

Straight porn is gay.

If you're a straight man jacking off to straight porn, you're gay. You're looking at another man's cock as a means to get gratification. Without that man's cock, your sexual experience wouldn't be fulfilled. You needing to see that man's cock in order to be sexually fulfilled is gay. I like men but even I can't stand looking at a dude's cock as he bangs a chick. It's a complete turn off. It ruins the entire thing. I don't want to see a man's body, I don't want to see his penis, I don't want to hear him. We have the technology to perfectly replicate a male penis and even automated thrusting. There's no need to continue to jack off to a real man's penis. I don't understand how any self respecting man can become erect while watching another man and his penis bang a hot chick. It's the defenition of cucking, but people will try to rationalize their way out of it. You're the cuck, you just don't have a camera panned on you showing your shame as you pound off.

This is why lesbian or solo porn is always superior. Two is better than one, so lesbian porn is by far the best. Lesbian porno has no cocks, or if it does, they're fake and not disgusting. You don't have to deal with looking at a dildo's asshole as it pounds a chick. Lesbian porn is weirdly underrated these days. I almost NEVER see anyone talk about it. It's always degenerate straight porn or overwhelmingly gay shit. You're way more likely to see gay and tranny garbage before lesbians. It's weird that lesbians are probably one of the lesser viewed categories these days. There's a lot of homos out there. Females are not threatening to a sexual situation. It's male penetration that is cuck-like behavior. With females it is all playful and sensual, always with room for more to play. The more cocks you have around a woman, the gayer and more homosexual it is. I especially can't wrap my mind around being turned on by cum shots on a woman. You're jacking off to not only a guy's cock, but his orgasm. You're jacking off to his load. And yes, I UNDERSTAND you're "jacking off to the woman getting cummed on", but you miss the point. You are jacking off to a man having an orgasm. It's never sat right with me, when I want to utilize "material", I want to get turned on by a woman. I feel more straight than straight men at times.

My eyes are green

There's sometimes debate as to what color my eyes are. Since I am me and I look at myself in the mirror once every few days, I should know what color my eyes are. They are green. Yes, in darker lighting they appear darker, as do most colors when the lighting is dark. However, if you were to shine a light right onto my eye, it's very clearly a true green color. They aren't hazel, they're green.

If a woman is concened about a man's height, it means she's genetically a dud

Since I'm 4' 11", I never think about a man's height. Everyone is automatically taller than me. However, for a dud, she may be 5' 5" to 5' 8" tall. Because of this, she constantly needs a man to be drastically taller than her in order for her to feel better about herself. This means she's a genetic defect. A genetically superior woman will never care about a man's height because everyone is taller than her. Women who want a tall man are trying to compensate for their lack of peak feminine qualities.

APRIL 24, 2024

I do not use social media or play online video games.

If you see my picture, my name, or anyone subtely implying they are me anywhere online that isn't the following websites:
icum.to videos.icum.to tubgurl.com that is NOT me. I do not use any form of social media*, I do not have "secret" profiles, I do not use realtime chat. There have been numerous times people thought they were talking to me. People can easily impersonate me because I talk about my interests and have photos/videos of me online. I do not play online video games, I do not use/like realtime chat, I do not use social media. It is not me. Usernames similar to my name/interests are not me. If you really think you are talking to me on a game, Discord, social media, etc. call my phone number (725-286-3278) or email me and I will verify that I am not the imposter.

*Social media being any large or small social platform, be it proprietary or open source. Popular ones include Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Discord, Twitter, or Mastodon instances. I appreciate open source efforts for a more free social media, however, I do not like the social media platform style for a number of reasons.

If you are curious as to why I do not use social media, please read this.

I do not and will not use any Google service.

They are an evil company who prioritizes money and insane levels of survellience on the entire human population. I do not use anything related to Google for these reasons. There is no reason to use Google, there are solutions for any reason someone would want to use Google. All it takes is your willingness. I have not used any Google services since 2018 (this includes Google search, Youtube.com, Google phones, G-mail, Google drive, etc.) It is 100% possible to live your life without willingly engaging with companies who invade your human rights.

My website is not an attempt to look intentionally bad nor do I like HTML "ironically"

I find it strange how many times people have mentioned that my website looks the way it does as a way of paciticing "ironic" humor. The implication being that my website looks bad, and intentionally so, to try and mimic the internet's look from the mid 1990's to early 2000's. However, this is not what I am doing. I genuinely heavily prefer a basic web browsing experience. I find Javascript to be one of the worst, most invasive, evil things to happen to web browsing. On top of that, it's also heavily bloated and preforms many unnecessarry tasks. I also describe the modern internet in one way: The monetized internet. The internet no longer is a place of personal passion, a place to put your personal interests online that are fueled entirely by your PERSONAL interesnt, not a MONETARY interest. With the ushering in of MONETARY interest in the internet, people have felt the need to strip the web of its character and create websites that look minimal, yet are actually incredibly bloated with invasive Javascript. I find it funny that a minial, eye-blistering white Wordpress website uses tons of Javascript when in reality, that website should actually be created on basic and lightweight HTML/CSS.

My use of colors and animated .gifs is not an attempt at humor. It's strange that a website with character is so rare that it's assumed to be a joke. I like colors, I like textures, I like fun basic effects (like blinking, marquee, which by the way - GOOGLE IS STRIPPING SOME OF THE OLDEST AND MOST BASIC HTML FEATURES FROM THE WEB. Google SHOULD NOT be the determining factor as to which BASIC HTML FEATURES LIVE and DIE (Such as autoplaying music, .gif cursors, .gif favicons, marquee). All web browsers like to follow what Google foes, so if Google gets rid of a feature, all web browsers follow suit. Yes, this INCLUDES Firefox and Brave, which is a Chromium based browser.

People rely too much on "but I need to" in order to prevent themselves from participating in negative harmful practices

I never try to convince people to stop using social media, government spy devices (AKA smart phones), etc. Any time I have ever tried, people's curiosity is not peaked by learning how awful and extremely invasive the practices held by these companies are. Instead, people turn defensive and downplay the reality, or say "I have nothing to hide" (click here to learn why this is not an OK excuse), or give a pletora of excuses as to why they "have" to continue engaging in the harmful practice.

You do not HAVE to do anything. Everything we do is a choice.

What people REALLY mean is, "but this is more convenient." I have noticed that people really prefer the path of least resistance - and this is not a conscious choice. What other people in society do, we tend to do as well, all without thinking about it. This is why certain hairstyles are exclusive to a decade. We unconsciouslly adapt our behavior to what others are doing. A hairstyle is a great example, because it's a physical example we can SEE this happening. However, our internal thinking and behaviours also adapt to what others are doing.

When the entire society around us has intergrated the use of government spy devices (AKA cell phones) into common every day life, the average person will follow suit and get a cell phone and use it how everyone else is using it. This means cell phone -> required invasive "apps" to use cell phone = getting spied on my the government, corporations, and whoever they sell that data to.