•Not interested in anything illegal, politics, drugs, racial discussion, harassment.
The above disclaimers address frequent incorrect assumptions about me that are important to distinguish.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() December 25, 2024 Total word count: 7,494 words. This is the second entry in my monthly columns (which is not strcitly released on a monthly basis). The subjects and questions were submitted to me via email ( and my discussion board ( ). Please submit your questions, tip requests, suggestions, etc. via email with the subject line, "MONTHLY COLUMN", or in the thread linked about the monthly column. In this column, I will discuss the following topics:
Being exposed to what other people waste their time on the interent doing Let me preface this by stating that I almost never ever watch videos such as this one. How I use the interent is completely different from most people, as (mostly) the only times I watch videos online is to learn something. I cannot stand wasting your life away listening to someone else's pre-scripted opinions that they formed based upon another general consensus formed for them based on whatever group that person likes. To translate what I mean, I don't understand why someone would want to listen to another person's opinion when that person is likely very stupid (most people are highly stupid) and this idolized person simply has their own opinions formed from other "approved" sources; in which they regurgitate it down to you on an overly-edited 1080p Youtube video where the camera pans in and out every 3 seconds to retain your attention since you're also just as retarded. It's incredibly easy for me to avoid the "for-profit" side of the internet because it's all an absolute waste of time. Productivity does not mean you must be making money. Productivity means improving your learning, doing something active that is enjoyable. A waste of time is when you sit, don't think, and soak up whatever low-effort garbage is fed to you. Judging by the views on these types of videos (hundreds of thousands to millions of views), many people are guilty of being retarded time wasting sponges rather than using life to do enjoyable productive things, such as learning and doing. That aside, I did get sucked in when someone emailed me a video of a woman claiming she no longer masturbates. The idea of this was so foreign to me. I assumed this was because she lost her hands in a tragic incident, but, I was disappointed when I saw she did indeed have both of her hands, and worse, she also had opinions. I'm ashamed to admit I wasted 10 minutes watching this video in pure shock that other people watch these videos seriously. I was immediately uninterested in what she had to say (because she essentially had nothing to say -- I will write about this later). What kept my interest was this lady's inability to string together a sentence, which is something I notice is highly common among younger people. Instead of pausing for a second to think about what they're about to say next, they instead repeat the sentence they just said an additional 2-3 times while gesturing their hands like black people do. It's in an attempt to seem funnily-nonchalant, but, in reality it's just plain stupidity and incredibly irritating when you sit there for 3 minutes and the person has essentially re-hashed their barely formed thought over and over for those 3 minutes. I found that this woman talked for 15 minutes while essentially repeating the same few sentences over and over. For an example, in a ~20 second span, she repeated IN SUCCESSION: Here is an example: "So, it goes like this. It goes like this. Here's what I'm trying to say. Here's what I'm trying to say. Here's what I'm trying to say. Beating off is bad, ok? Beating off is bad, ok? Beating off is bad, ok?" I understand that I am by no means a great speaker. In fact, I find that when I speak, I have much more trouble putting my thoughts together compared to when I write. I find that my thoughts are much better when written rather than spoken. I almost feel like a different person when speaking, as I can easily forget certain words due to the fact that you must come up with your next thought in the next breath. Whereas when you're writing, you have a second to pause to think about your next word or thought. You don't need fillers in writing, and this is why writing is a much better mode of communication compared to speaking (in most cases). That being said, I fully understand to some degree that speaking out loud can be more difficult compared to writing your thoughts. However, the severity to which these people are unable to form a basic sentence, are unable to convey a basic thought, is shocking. If you replaced this woman's face with one of a downie's face, it would all make sense and I would have no critique. That is how bad it is. I would like to interject that you may suspect I am critical about this woman/video out of spite due to her gender. This is not true, as I highly dislike most people regardless of gender. In fact, most people who speak in this manner tend to be young zoomer males, and this woman is trying to emulate the young zoomer male since she has chosen that as her target audience. Her goal is to appeal to the modern day zoomer who thinks beating off means no woman will ever love you. Because of this, her speaking style emulates the other retard Youtubers who make similar videos targeting this audience. However, the inability to speak is innate to this dumb woman. To state the obvious, this woman is nothing special. It's another dime-a-dozen carbon copy hole who pretends to relate to loneliness (which is impossible for women to experience), patheticness, etc. and has attempted (and likely succeeded) to make an online career doing so. Her constant references to 4chan and use of zoomer-tier 4chan images is exactly why I continually say 4chan is dead and is a complete shell of its former self. In the actual days of 4chan, this would not be tolerated and she likely would have had a mental breakdown from the extreme (and well deserved) response from 4chan. But, since 4chan is dead and is filled with braindead retard zoomers, this treatment is a thing of the past. People have either lost the ability to spot a woman pandering, or the younger people growing up have no sense of concealing power level outside of 4chan, so when we see a mentally ill (tattoos and piercings) hole pander to 4chan on Youtube and TikTok (what a disgusting concept), they don't bat an eye. Anyone who seriously says the words "mental health", "trauma", or "safe space" is not a 4chan user. Also, pathetic people do not endlessly go on about how pathetic they are. Attention seekers do this. If someone is talking about something pathetic in a genuine sense, they probably don't realize their actions are pathetic and are only perceived as pathetic by others. One does not say they crave being a hikkokomori while filming a video with a massive attention-grabbing microphone in a public park, as she did. Or, someone can realize they're pathetic, but they don't base their entire personality off of one pathetic trait. These retard normies are so desperate to emulate actual pathetic people, and I don't understand it. They are total and complete phonies who say, "I am such a loner ;__; I just want to hide from the world" and in the blink of an eye, they're constantly chatting with tons of people online or in person, going out in public out of pleasure rather than necessity, etc. People who film themselves in public while in the line of sight of others have no sense of shame. Back to the topic at hand. In the video about "porn bad" she offers no actionable advice to beating a porn-driven dopamine addiction. Instead, she fuels the beast because this hole is on Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, etc. which uses the exact same dopamine-addicting tactics, but of course, most people are too stupid to see this -- including the hole herself. Since she's a brainless retard who loves being tracked by Google, she shows a report of her "screen time" (I hate that word) that Google has given her for the day, which amounted to 16 hours. This is like taking advice from an ex-crack addict who now uses heroin instead. Porn addiction isn't real. You're not going to have to go on methadone because you haven't beaten off today. Queer. Grow some balls. Oh wait, your balls probably ARE growing because they're so full of nut because you don't allow yourself to beat off. If a """"porn addiction"""" is ruining your life, that tells me you don't have and never had any actual problems in your life. Beating off is natural, healthy, and if you don't do it, G*d will do it for you. You ever creampie yourself in your sleep? It's because you're not beating off enough. Just watch some sexy lesbians trib each other out, beat off for 5 minutes, and move on with your day. Porn isn't responsible for all your problems; you're just a boring person with no hobbies and no interests. If it wasn't porn, it would be video games. If it wasn't video games, it would be TV. It all amounts to some form of mindless consumption, and porn is not "evil". You just have nothing going for you and this is the best thing you can find to waste your time with. Christ, I wish I had all that free time to become "addicted" to porn. I'm lucky if I can squeeze in 6 beat-off seshes a day. Two teams, one agenda What I don't get is how loud and proud some of these faggot boys are that don't beat off. People like to say how vegans shove their ideology into everything -- you ever talk to an anti-masturbater? They act as though not beating off has made their mentality so much better, meanwhile, all they can talk about is how they're not beating off. Thus, they're constantly thinking about how they want to beat off, but can't. I believe that this anti-beat off fad has been created on purpose by the powers that be. In society, I notice that the powers-that-be want to push a narrative. However, we have "teams" in society that the powers-that-be have created purposefully. Most people land in one of two teams -- social justice weaklings, or, "red pilled" retards. These two teams will have opinions that drastically oppose one another. When the powers-that-be want to continue degrading society, they need society to agree upon certain social conditions. However, at first glance, social justice weaklings and red pilled retards seemingly vastly oppose one another. That is, until you look at the results of their actions from their beliefs. Here is a massive example I can think of. Overall societal goal: Reduce the population (Georgia Guide Stones suggests under 500,000) Social Justice Opinion: Abortion is a right, is just, and is encouraged as a form of birth control. Family units hurt female empowerment and thus, it's important to not be in a committed relationship (or any relationship) and it is especially important to not have kids. Red Pilled Retard Opinion: Women are dangerous to get involved with (media purposefully highlighted Me Too movement) and thus, it's important to distance yourself away from women. Porn/masturbation is bad and I must lower my innate male sex drive. Both outcomes are the same: No communication with the opposite sex, no family units being built, lessening the population. Males have less sex drive and are thus naturally less interested in pursuing women, and the women are less interested in pursuing men. Much of these opinions on both sides are formed from media (news, social media figures) pushing stories to create these outcomes on purpose. It's interesting that two completely opposing teams will have the same end-result, and this is purposefully curated by the powers-that-be. I have noticed this with other topics as well, but I cannot recall them as of me writing this. Anyways. Here's the cheatcode, fellas: beat off once in the morning to clear the pipes, that way you're not thinking about it for the rest of the day. Then once it's 12pm, treat yourself with another beat off sesh. It's well established that I think the anti-masturbating thing is such an insane weird fad and it poorly affects your health and mentality. I didn't mean to write so much about the anti-beat off crew, I was actually more interested in how poorly this woman and other younger people communicate. That being said, I will get back to writing about this woman and her strange way of conveying her thoughts. I watched some of her most recent video, which amounts to the predictable "Onlyfans Bad". Prostitution is the oldest trick in the book, and lady, we all pay for sex one way or another. A male provider (husband) pays for his fair share, and in return, you're expected to spread hole for him. I don't get why these retards obsess over things they don't like on the internet, such as Onlyfans. These people talk about how evil porn is, and eventually, this leads to them wanting some amount of government censorship for others. Let people do what they want. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean the government needs to get involved -- because then that amount to things YOU like getting regulated. It's massively short-sighted, and the constant need for government parenting is stupid. I didn't watch the entire video (it was predictable garbage), however, she didn't mention government regulation in what I had watched. However, it was definitely leading towards a school of thought that some outside source should clamp down on porn. Another observation: She is showing clips of Onlyfans girls pandering on TikTok. Her critique is that these women want you to click on the "link in the bio" (that links to Onlyfans). I found this hypocritical, as this woman panders as a faux lonely female (impossible) and wants you to join her Patreon at the end of every video. It's the same exact concept, rallying up the paypigs onto a membership-based payment plan. Woman very offended that other women find chubby/fat men attractive Here's the part I get really passionate about -- chubby guys. While she is showing clips of the pandering Onlyfans girls, she highlights ~3 videos of women who state that they find chubby/fat guys attractive. None of the women in her examples display any negative connotation to men who are chubby or fat; these women simply state that they like chubby/fat men. However, our mentally ill hole is very offended at the prospect of attractive women finding chubby/fat men attractive. In the 3 examples she shows, she commentates that these women want "fat losers" multiple times (this woman tends to repeat her sentences multiple times. The trademark of a stupid person.) Then, after putting words into these chubby chasers' mouths, she then says these women want, "fat jobless losers". Nowhere did these women state anything to that effect other than they just found chubby/fat guys attractive. How does she interpret "fat guys are cute" as "she wants a fat jobless loser"? Somehow I suspect this nose-ring, tattooed, based redpilled 4chan user wouldn't go to such an extreme length if one of these chicks said "black guys are cute". Just an observation. Perhaps her extreme reaction to some women finding fat guys attractive is some strange backwards jealously on mentally ill hole's end. I have no idea how a woman simply stating she finds chubby/fat men equates to that man being a loser or jobless. This is why it was obvious this preference was of some sort of upset to Nose Ring. I personally very much enjoy chubby and fat men (within reason and given their personality aligns with mine). Chubby or fat guys with long hair and facial hair are particularly attractive to me, especially if that man is ages ~35-60. It seems as though Nose Ring cannot believe that a man with extra body weight percentage is perceivable as attractive to other women. Have you ever been to a grocery store and looked at the couples that exist? There's plenty of chubby daddies with wives. The next go-to is, "well, he's probably rich and that's why she likes him." Yes, rich with cuteness and good cooking. In reality, most fat men are not rich and are likely financially similar to the rest of us. I've seen a number of regular fat guys out-and-about that I find attractive, and I know nothing of their financial status other than they're willing to spend $2.50 on a hot dog. I love watching fat guys eat, I don't have a fetish, it just makes me happy. What I love about fat guys is their appreciation for food. Food and humor are the two most important things for me in my life. I love to eat (and I'm starting to enjoy cooking) and I love to laugh. When a male possesses those two traits, humor and a love of food, I'm attracted to him. And by him, I mean my husband. My hole's closed -> ({X}). Personally, I find in-shape, body-builder type guys to be massively annoying***, similar to bimbos. They're always way too concerned about their looks to the point where they spend hours trying to alter their looks (men in the gym or women using makeup, hair dye, etc.) I have had men call my public phone line and awkardly drop a sentence saying, "I go to the gym" as a means to impress me. They are taken aback when I say I don't care. I have had them send me pictures of their body to me via email in an attempt to woo me based on their body. It's really strange behavior, and every time, the male is shocked when I don't flirt back or when I state that I really don't care. Males grow up with the idea that just because a man has muscle, that means he will instantly find a girlfriend. When they have the body but none of the personality, they are shocked that no girls like them like they were promised. To some degree I understand, as when I was growing up, I thought men were only attracted to blondes with big boobs, because that was what I frequently saw portrayed as "sexy" in the media. I now know that (unfortunately) men find even trailer park babes who look like they could take first place at a cattle auction, attractive. Not that I care, it's not for me, but to each their own. That's why I have a hard time understanding why this woman in the video correlated "fat men" to mean "fat loser jobless men". I don't find balds attractive, but I wouldn't see a bald man and think "weak-follicled, shiny, bald cancer man". I do think balding is fine, as balding means a man has higher testosterone. However, I am not completely sold on bald men as of yet, though I am more open to the idea. I do get grossed out if a saw a mole on his bald head, I would probably put a sticker on it so I wouldn't have to look at it. But the sticker might slide off since bald people always have shiny heads. Well, the above is why I don't watch such meaningless garbage as a means of entertainment. I am always confused as to when people say my videos seem like they're from 2010. I have no idea why, because I just turn on my camera and talk, edit as little as I can because over-editing is retarded and annoying. This seems to be a fairly standard way to record any video, regardless of the decade. Any technology videos I watch are similar in fashion as well, so to me, all "modern" videos are like mine. However, after watching this absolute garbage and being exposed to what these people watch on a daily basis, now it makes sense to me as to why people have this dumb idea that my videos are "old school", when in fact, my videos are just normal. They aren't over-edited with gay "production value" like everything else these people are watching. I can't believe people can stomach down such garbage and not feel ashamed afterwards. I wish I had beat off instead of watching that woman's videos. ***Do note that Duke Nukem is a fictional character and I apply 3DPD to any physical man with muscles. Fictional is always better. --------------------------------------------
Hi, Ash .erutcip sdrawkcab a thguob ylekil osla yeht ,sdrawkcab sraeppa taht oediv rieht ni erutcip a ees uoy fI .sdrawkcab nettirw erew sdrow eht erehw sehtolc thguob nosrep eht esauceb ylekil tsom si sdrawkcab nettirw si gnihtolc no sdrow erehw ees uoy soediv esohT .noitseuq taerG -------------------------------------------- Hey, I emailed you last year about veganism and other stuff, I hope that's going well for you. I have an idea for what you could write about for your monthly column. What are your thoughts on AI? "AI" is extremely generalized as a word. "AI" can mean multiple different things, which, are actually not an artificial intelligence. For example, people may call something like ChatGPT "AI". This is inacurate. There is no artificial intelligenece at hand. It's simply an LLM (Language Learning Model) that scrapes a dataset of previously existing texts from websites, conversations, etc. The LLM takes your prompt and spits out the next most likely word to be used based upon the dataset the LLM has been fed. There is no magic nor intelligence. It is still impressive technology nonetheless, which may eventually develop "intelligence", but currently we are likely in a state of infancy compared to what will be possible in the next decade. Another distinction I want to make is when people refer to generating images as "AI images". Once again, there is no artificial intelligence at hand in image generation. The correct term is actually "image diffusion", not AI. Image Diffusion works in a similar fashion to LLMs, as it has a subset of information (the software was trained upon a huge data set of images associated with words. Based on your prompt, the software will generate images suitable for your prompt. Once again, there is no intelligence. It's simply software that we've excitedly called "AI" when that is currently innacurate. As for my opinions on the above concepts, there are various different aspects when it comes to someone asking, "What do you think about (generalized) AI?" The three aspects that come to mind for me are ethics, creativity, and data harvesting. Ethics: I don't care so much about the ethical side of things, such as people saying "artists will be out of jobs". Those faggots have been ripping people off for years. Do you know how many thousands of dollars I've spent hiring people to draw my fursona? I always reserved anything artistic to be done for fun rather than for profit. Once you're doing something you enjoy for profit, the enjoyment quickly fades and your hobby is now a job you're starting to resent because you're forced to do it, you're forced to engage with concepts that don't interest you, and you have to meet a quota for your slave money so you can survive. You may be objectively good at the art, but you now by no means enjoy it and will resent what was once your hobby. I do find it strange that lawmakers have criminalized certain uses of "AI", mostly image diffusion. Why I find this strange is because you cannot truly make something illegal if you're using open source software that's offline. Similar to how you cannot truly outlaw encryption -- old and confused people (reptilians) run the government making rules for technology they don't understand and cannot truly control UNLESS the software was not open source and was online. Overall, the government is outlawing a concept. Images generated using image diffusion are not real - they are concepts. "Conceptually, this is what 15 year old Ashely Jones would look like with size D breasts". However, it is not real. Yet, it is still illegal. I suspect this line of thought will affect the legality of other image generated concepts, such as celebrities. In so far as ethics are concerned with people having their image used in a sexual sense with something like Deepfake software, I don't really care about this topic. I've discussed it a few times since I've had people poorly do this with my own face onto their choice of pornstar. At most I think it's funny, and I'm a little flattered that I must be attractive enough to want to masturbate to. However, I don't really understand the massive outcry from some women when this happens to them, and I feel as though it's a forced "put on" on their end. It's another chance to play victim when the result is harmless and usually pretty funny. Data Harvesting: This bring into my massive dislike of "AI". Using proprietary software and online software for LLMs and Image Diffusion. Not only does the government and any corrupt corporation have direct insight to what you want to generate and they keep these logs for an indefinite time, but, they also can use what you're generating against you in a legal sense. In the US it is recently a federal law that you cannot generate AI images of children. That means if you, whether for the sake of humor or horniness, generate an image of me when I was 15 naked, you are technically violating federal law in the US. Perhaps that wouldn't be a big deal if you were using open source software on your own hardware offline. However, most people do not do this and simply use proprietary apps that the government 100% knows and collects information from, and corrupt companies also collect information from. What may start out as a joke can quickly land you into hot water just by using propietary software. Is it likely to happen to you? Probably not. Can it? Definitely, yes. I don't care about what I had just written, since I don't have an interest in generating images of underage girls and the law is very flimsily taking into consideration that you cannot truly control what people do with their own hardware on their own software when offline. However, I am continually in awe when seeing how non-chalant other people willingly hand over their personal information to these companies in exchange for VERY POOR generated results. When using proprietary software, you have a laughable lack of control over the output of your prompt. For example, when using Stable Diffusion (open source software), you have so much control over your generated images to the point where it's learning curve. More options is better, and this results in higher quality results. However, these proprietary data-harvesting companies are not interested in results, rather, their main point of profit (as always) is collecting and selling your personal information -- just like it is with almost all mainstream social media companies. These companies also know their usebase is solely made up of retards, and if you had the level of control as you do with SD (Stable Diffusion), you would be too confused because you're too stupid, and thus, wouldn't use their product. Simplicity is there because of your stupidity. This results in terrible image and video generation. ![]() your prompt is "a picture of a healthy beautiful white woman". What is even more laughable to me is people who PAY to use these services. They will spend upwards of tens of dollars to even hundreds of dollars trying to generate the perfect video, it's almost a bit like gambling. A lot of the times when you pay to play, you lose. Other rarer times, you get a really good result and it keeps you going. This is bizarre to me, seeing as when you have your own hardware and your own open source software fit to generate images/videos, you can very easily alter what you want to see without trying to "trick" the proprietary system while paying money for it. With the money you've dumped into really awful results and long wait times on these gay retarded "apps", you could just use that same money to buy a good graphics card and have much better results and much better control over your outputs. I understand video generation has a ways to go in the open source world, however, if you were the person already paying for video generation on lackluster propiritary software, you can instead rent out very, very high powered GPUs that process your requests at a speed similar or faster than the ones a proprietary app could do, WHILE, using open source software to generate exactly what you want with much more contol. All proprietary software utilizes censorship. This applies to generating visuals and textual information. Popular proprietary LLMs like ChatGPT are highly censored and data harvestors. Meanwhile, with your own offline, open source LLM, you have much more control over the LLM and could quite literally have the LLM generate instructions on how to cook meth. You can also personalize the LLM to be a character and adjust the character with perphils to better fit your desired outcome. This means I could have Duke Nukem telling me how to cook meth. If you're a pathetic retard like me, instead of utilizing an LLM for information (like a search engine), you could instead utilize it like a chatbot and have your LLM be a fictional boyfriend/girlfriend and even integrate your LLM with Stable Diffusion, so Duke Nukem could be sending me naked pictures of himself as we're chatting about how to cook meth. Keep in mind I'm using fairly extreme examples to show you just how flexible open source software is compared to proprietary software where their only interest is not making a good product, rather, having YOU be the product. Overall, of course I despise the brainless losers who happily hand over all their information to these corporations in exchange to make a very shitty AI "song" or picture, video, etc. The people who laugh from generated songs, videos, and pictures seem as if they have low intelligence. This reminds me as to when I see proprietary generated images in the wild. I see them on articles, I've seen them casually used on videos, and more. I can't help but shake my head and immediately disregard any information coming from this person because of what it represents. It tells me you have no qualms about using such awful software, that you don't care about splashing your data everywhere for a stupid little reward like a dumb "AI" song, it tells me you don't care about something looking good, rather, you want something done quick and fast and if the result is a super garbage "AI" image, you're happy. When I see an "AI" image out in the wild, I roll my eyes because it represents your lack of care and competence. Creativity: It should go without saying that anyone who utilizes generated images, videos, and songs to replace a genuine creative drive within themselves is a complete retard. I understand utilizing open source image generation if you need a result (for a wank, for example). However, if you feel a genuine lust to create and your solution is to turn to Dall-E to generate a "beautiful painting" and you feel a genuine sense of pride or you feel as if "I made that", then you're absolutely retarded. There are certain things image diffusion cannot replace. Yes, it can replace artists. However, it cannot replace the genuine pleasure that comes with creativity. I don't feel a sense of pride when I order a burger from Burger King. I don't think, "I made that" simply because I ordered the burger. However, if I make the buns from scratch at home and make the vegetarian hamburger patties from scratch at home and put together a burger, the process is vastly different and I did create a burger while experiencing the pleasure of the process of making it happen. This is why I get irritated when someone says, "I made this image" when referring to a generated image. You didn't "make" anything. You had computer software generate an image for you. I don't think "AI" (as people commonly refer to it), is evil. These things are simply software. How one uses it could be for nefarious purposes, and that comes down to the person. Similar to the saying, "guns don't kill people. People do." I am never a fan of outlawing, because once you outlaw one thing, everything is free game to outlaw. It's short sighted to see the government as a solution to an issue, they are never there to help, only to control (as the name "governemnt" literally implies -- to govern is to control, and "ment" is inherited from Latin, "mente", meaning "mind"). My gripes with LLMs, image/video diffusion, music, etc. is people using garbage proprietary software in exchange for their data (or money) along with how braindead this subset of people are and how easily entertained they are by a new toy. It's never been easier for a retard to feel like he has talent -- except he has none. -----------------------------------------------------
I am interested in your opinion concerning the likely trajectory/fate of popular mediums of entertainment, most of which are rapidly declining in relevance and cultural value. How do you estimate things such as films, novels, television and video games as likely to evolve in the coming future? Or, is something wholly new to possibly emerge? This all within the context of the ever rampant rise of short form media, alongside further corporate monopolization of the internet as a whole. Thanks, I hope that made sense and as well interests you. PS: I appreciate you for sharing your coolness with the world. Your creativity inspires my own. We've already experienced the pit of entertainment, media, music, and video games for the past ~12 years. I can't remember the last time I've watched any mainstream TV show or movie. It's been even longer since I've listened to any mainstream music. Since I like to collect radios, I turn on radio stations frequently. There's been multiple times where I tuned to a girly pop station and the music is so terrible to the point where it sounds like a parody. It's definitely a real life portrayal of "Idiocracy". A lot of female pop heavily focuses on sexual acts in plain detail. For an example, here's lyrics I just made up in the style of modern pop music (read this like it were a pop song): "I eat his ass for breakfast I'm always curious how these massively famous women feel comfortable singing about getting pumped and dumped and meanwhile, their entire family circle and social circle knows what she's singing about and thus, picture her doing these acts. The massive decline in quality for all forms of media is on purpose, you want the cattle to be stupider and stupider each passing generation. You want them to be more easily entertained, less capable of thought and critique. One thing I've noticed over the past decade or so, is how children and adult movies and shows are one of the same. There almost is no distinction between kids' media and adult media. It's embarrassing how many adults watch and enjoy CGI kids movies and act like it's completely normal. Similarly, the amount of "adult cartoons" has shot up ten fold. Very classic Adult Swim shows were pretty unique and funny for the time, I used to love Aqua Teen Hunger Force and I love Mission Hill (even though that was on the CW -- rightfully so). However, these days the "adult cartoons" are incredibly soulless, the animation is MASSIVELY cheap, and the writing is like it's written by the same few writers for every single "adult cartoon" show. They are carbon copies of one another, and somehow, adults are entertained by it and don't realize how repetitive the writing, humor style, and cheap animation is between these shows. The animation style has become so cheap and homogenized that I've seen a modern Care Bears cartoon and almsot thought it was a parody of Care Bears for adults since the style of animation looked identical to the animations in adult cartoons these days. These shows are not distinct from one another, be it adult or childrens. Similarly, mainstream movies are the exact same. I've noticed there whole "awkward humor" is the default comedic writing style for every mainstream movie. There are no differnt types of humor between these mainstream movies. It's all regurgitated "The Office" style humor, "awkward" humor. My autistic black friend forced me to watch the Mario movie trailer and I was shocked that even in a movie about Mario, the "awkard" "Office" humor persisted, just as this same humor persists among movies like Deadpool. It's all the same scripts recycled, the same humor recycled, the same actors recycled. How do the "normal people" not notice this? This is why I only watch B movies. They are made by people and not reptilians, so the writing and humor is on par for a person who experiences emotion rather than a mindless mulatto drone who laughs without thinking just because the person in the seat next to them laughed. I've never been the person whose emotions get affected by those around them. To clarify, I always thought it was strange that people will mimic the emotions of those around them without thinking, and without genuinely feeling those emotions. If you're in a crowded movie theater and people laugh, do you mindlessly smile and laugh with them? If so, you are probably a robot. If others clap around you, do you join them without thinking? I'm convinced that behavior separates us as different classes of people, because it tells me you are much more susceptible to influence compared to someone who thinks before forming a reaction. The last really good American show was Toddlers and Tiaras. Anyways, as for video games, I feel the same way. All mainsteam Western media is low effort, recycled garbage. I actually despise "good" graphics. "Good" graphics are relied upon to make up for a lack of good gameplay. I find that some of the funnest and challenging games don't rely on graphics. To add onto this, I also hate how modern video games use cut scenes. Am I watching a movie or playing a game? I only want gameplay. Because of this, I mostly play older games because they're way more fun compared to anything modern. To prove this, look at how long the original DOOM game has had a very dedicated userbase who still makes custom WADs. The game is simple looking enough, yet the gameplay is massively fun and people have managed to have fun and create something new with this 30 year old game. Can't do that with Tranimal Crossing. Modern games are gay, literally. It's only going to get worse. They hire women who have only ever used a dualshock controller as a vibrator to do the planning and writing of modern mainstream video games. The end result reflects this. It's only going to get worse. So, just enjoy older games from 2004 and prior. Popular media created for profit will always be worse than media created by people who are actually passionate about the story, topic, mechanics, etc. A loaf of Wonderbread will never taste as good as a homemade, from-scratch loaf of bread. I pay no attention to anything mainstream. What millions of other people are concerned with it has no impact on me. I spend my time solely interested in the things I like, rather than getting upset that the new Hello Kitty is Hello Jimmy. The state of the media being awful is all on purpose, the goal is to degrade society and distract society from spiritual issues, and having us peasants angry at the Barbie movie is apparently good enough to keep our society distracted. ------------------------------------------ ![]() BABE OF THE MONTH
Tiffani Theissen Tiffani has been a babe for a lot longer than a month -- try 30 years. Ever since I watched Saved By the Bell in my teenage years, Tiffani Theissen has been #1 on my babe list. No other girl has topped her (but I wish I could top her). Part of the reason Tiffani has such strong staying power on the Babe List is because she still looks like a total MILF even into her 50's, which is not at all common for celebrity women. She really let her udders grow into her adulthood, and I'm sure she possesses enough milk to feed a small African village. Never before have I wanted to be a malnourished black so badly. Thank god the producers at Saved By the Bell had Tiffani wear swimsuits multiple, multiple times throughout the show. My favorite is when she's wearing this green swimsuit. Green suits her really well and the cold weather they filmed her in suits her nipples really well. In the show, she constantly desires to be a stay at home mom with multiple children, which makes her even more attractive when you compare her to the feminist giraffe she's always hanging out with. Aside from Saved By the Boner, Tiffani is attractive in her modern personal life as well. She has a passion for cooking and has published multiple cook books. That's the only type of book I'll read when written by a woman. I am so jealous of her husband who gets to get Tiffani's pancakes in bed while he gets fresh milk straight from the source (Tiffani). Being the first woman on the Babe of the Month list is a high honor, almost as high as my boner when I look at that green swimsuit picture. ------------------------------------------ Recipe of the Month Pancakes Writing about Tiffani's pancakes and milk in bed has made me crave pancakes. Sadly these will have to go without milk since I don't have a lactating MILF nearby. At least I have almond milk. 1 1/2 cups flour (sifted twice for fluffier pancakes)
In a large bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, sugar, and salt together. Now add the milk, softened butter, egg, and vanilla into the large bowl. Mix ingredients until they're well combined and the batter is wet. Try to break up lumps of dry flour. Heat a pan to medium heat. Flick a dash of water on the pan to test the heat. If the water immediately dissolves, the pan is ready. Place a small amount of butter into the pan and swirl the butter around to coat the pan. This will ensure your pancakes don't get stuck to the pan. Now pour some of the pancake mix into the middle of the pan. It will form a circle. I use 1/2cup of batter for each pancake. Let the pancake sit for a minute. Lightly scrape under the pancake with a spatula when the bottom appears firm. If it is firm, scrape your spatula under the entire pancake and flip the pancake over and let it sit until it appears firm on the other side. Remove pancake from pan once cooked and place it onto a plate. Re-butter the pan and apply the batter for the next pancake onto the pan. Repeat until the batter is gone or until you've made the amount of pancakes you desire. Batter can be refrigerated for 1 day if covered with foil or plastic wrap. To eat: Rub each pancake with butter. Coat each layer with maple syrup. Personally, I find these pancakes will soak up the syrup quickly, so I advise having your syrup in a small dipping container, and pouring the syrup on the pancake part you're about to eat right before you eat it. Tip: To keep pancakes warm as you cook your other pancakes, you can put your oven to a low setting and place the pancakes on an oven-safe pan inside the warmed oven. Be sure to wear an oven mitt when touching the oven pan. ------------------------------------------
Fun Activity There are five fun differences in the image above. Can you spot the five differences? ------------------------------------------ This is the end of the monthly column The subjects and questions were submitted to me via email ( and my discussion board ( ). Please submit your questions, tip requests, suggestions, etc. via email with the subject line, "MONTHLY COLUMN", or in the thread linked about the monthly column. I will address them in future monthly column issues. If you are a teacher who wants to use my column as educational reading material for students, you are welcome to do so. About the author: Ashley Jones Ashley Jones, author of other works such as, "Kevin Sorbo and the Baby Oil", is an esteemed creative writer and comic book creator. She is self-taught, yet many readers agree her skills surpass those who were trained in professional settings. Her goal in life is to work with the elderly in a retirement home in an attempt to acquire their posessions before they perish. She is survived by her two dogs. |