•Not interested in anything illegal, politics, drugs, racial discussion, harassment.
The above disclaimers address frequent incorrect assumptions about me that are important to distinguish.
Technology (Tutorials, Opinions, & More) Technology Repair Log How I Use Technology Directory: Technology Usage
1. How I use my computer 1a. Physical computing 1b. Operating System 1c. Desktop Environment 1d. Browser 1e. Internet Connection 1f. Communications 1g. VPN 1h. Cell Phones 1i. Streaming Services 1j. Online Shopping Services 2. Internet Usage 2a. Referral to previous discussion points 2b. How I do not use the internet 2c. How I use the internet 2d. Beware of impersonators 2e. A list of confirmed websites I use 2f. Misconceptions and assumptions 2g. Things I would like to engage in How I use my computer Physical computing Many newer laptops are also difficult to repair. Aside from my Thinkpad x230 laptop, I have a Thinkstation PC that never goes online and is used for archiving my VHS tapes and playing games/vintage software and VMs all offline. I hook this computer up to various types of monitors depending on what I'm doing. My favorite monitor to pair with my Thinkstation is a 1993 CRT because it provides much better color than modern monitors, especially for older software that was intended to be viewed on a CRT. Operating system Desktop enviornment Browser Internet connection I also don't like the idea that information is being transferred wirelessly and could theoretically be intercepted. While unlikely, it is not something I like. Wifi is also slower compared to a wired connection. Because of these reasons, I only ever use the internet with a wired connection (ethernet). I do not use any device that connects wirelessly to the internet in any way (cell phone, tablet, "smart watch", cameras, etc.) The only devices I use that connect to the internet are my laptop via ethernet. Communications Please note that I am not a very social person. I don't enjoy communicating with people much, I like being by myself most of the time. I do not do any "real time" chat online (such as things like Skype, Discord, chat rooms. I do not do "real time" chat), nor participate in "group chats". As I stated earlier, I only communicate online via my websites directly, or sometimes email. I also have my phone number on here which I sometimes answer, but can go many weeks without picking up the phone due to lack of interest in socializing. If I do not respond to you nor call you back, it is not anything you did incorrectly. I prefer spending my time to myself and my interests. I'm not unhappy due to my disinterest in socializing, I simply have things I enjoy much more than socializing and am much happier when I am doing those things. VPN Cell phones "Streaming services" One "streaming service" I do use is called Tubi tv. The reason I enjoy Tubi tv is because it is free, doesn't block VPNs (if the VPN is within the right district), and it has movies that I actually enjoy. I am not at all impressed with heavily produced movies, they feel souless, bland, and all the same. I actually really enjoy B movies because they feel more "human" and rely less on CGI/sound effects/music to manipulate how you feel through the whole movie. B movies rely more on charming writing, and budget cuts can be easily turned into something humourous. I mostly watch live action movies intended for a family/child audience because I don't really like spending my leisurely time stressed with a gruesom plotline. Examples of movies I like that I found on Tubi Tv are, "A Unicorn For Christmas", "Vampire Dog", "Up on the Wooftop", "A Meowy Halloween". It's not often I find myself watching a movie, as I prefer to use my free time learning or improving an interest I have. With that said, I watch a movie on Tubi Tv about 3-5 times a year. Online shopping With places like RadioShack no longer in business, there is no longer a place for me to purchase basic electronics equiptment in person. I sometimes purchase these items online using a pre-paid Visa gift card I bought in cash. I have had success on electronics websites using pre-paid Visa gift cards and supplying a name and address that is not my own, which can get forwarded to me. It's also ideal to do this process with eBay gift cards if I need an item on eBay. I do not use Amazon due to their unethical practices towards their employees, and I also heavily disagree with their collecting and selling of user information to the CIA. I refuse to do any business with Amazon. That's why if I need an item I cannot find in person, I will buy a Visa gift card and use that instead of a credit card. I have also asked people to purchase something on my behalf using their credit card in exchange for something else of monetary value (I usually offer food gift cards in exchange for them purchasing something on my behalf). Internet usage Referral to previous discussion points How I do not use the internet To illustrate a point - I was on (I do not visit, and I purposefully looked up and watched a video about technology repair. In the recommended section (which is no longer a "related" section, it's a pre-approved purposeful list of attractive looking videos to waste people's time), was a video that really shows what I'm talking about. I'm watching a vintage technology repair video, and the recommended video title is, "What's Wrong With International Dubs of Despicable Me?". This is obviously not at all related to vintage technology repair and this is purposeful. They know you are bored, have nothing really in particular you want to watch, so they throw a bunch of absoloutely random videos at you and you're sure to click one of them. Who in reality is actually thinking about Dispicable Me international dubs? Nobody. It makes no difference in our lives and is not something we'd ever have an interest in. But, when you're a mindless consumer using the internet to cure boredom, absoloutely stupid ideas suddenly seem interesting to you, because you have no real other interests. The above is just one small example of this cycle, but as I said, this occurs on every social website such as Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. They're all purposeful timewasters, and things such as character limits and algorithms that promote very short videos means that you'll never get any valuable information from these platforms, they're all hijacking the human brain with dopamine cycles and amp that mind drug up by 500% by promoting very short videos to make sure you don't get bored and continue the endless consumption cycle. I have never really understood the mindless consumption. If I was bored, why not try to fill that boredom with something that benefits me? I notice most "normal" people don't really have interests or hobbies, so the best they can do to fulfill their boredom is to consume whatever they're told to by "apps". Whereas someone with hobbies, interests, the yearn to learn, will use spare time to improve upon their hobbies and interests. This leads into how I use the internet. I cannot subject myself to the torture that is mindless consumption. I already heavily disagree with the practices done by Google, Facebook/Meta/Instagram, Twitter, Discord, TikTok, Netflix, (add any proprietary social website here that spies, collects data on citizens, sells it, etc.), therefore, I do not use them (and I have no interest in socializing, which is another reason I don't use them). To make matters worse, these places greatly restrict how long something can be (video, written text), which means actually informative material is not on these websites. And of course, these websites censor anything they disagree with, acting like a thought tunnel on behalf of the people. This, of course, is done because any truthful information is dangerous to be exposed (such as reptilians, dangerous additives to the human body such as our food supply, vaccines, etc.) To be clear, for these (and many more) reasons, I will never use anything like Facebook/Meta/Instagram, Twitter, Discord, TikTok, Netflix, Google services, etc. I must also make it clear that I have no desire to socialize and therefore I do not use any social chatting platforms. I do not like talking to most people and I have better things to do than to sit and chat with people I dislike. I would rather be learning or working on a hobby, so I do not use any social platforms. I sometimes get emails from people that think they are talking to me on a online video game, on a website, or think they see me posting on a website that isn't in my "confirmed list". It is not me. Read more. How I use the internet Almost anytime I use the internet, is it to learn something or improve my knowledge on a topic. This mostly revolves around technology. Specifically, vintage technology repair, or learning about vintage electronic products. The world of vintage technology repair is vast, and I always have the opportunity to learn something new. This process involves my brain to experience the dopamine cycle as discussed previously, except, in a positive manner. Before my brain feels any reward, I must subject myself to frustrations, research, and practice. Only then, with earned success, can my brain feel the reward. This is a much healthier and more productive way to use the internet, and is a positive way someone can experience reward while improving themselves. Most of the times when I'm using the internet, it is to research or learn something. I don't mindlessly browse websites hoping for entertainment. I purposefully seek out information that I will attempt to learn from. It's not to say every single time I use the internet that I do so for learning. In some cases (such as when I eat or before bed), I will watch videos related to my intersts. This only happens once or twice a day and is brief in terms of my full waking day. I usually take 15 minutes to eat, so in that time I will watch a more leisurely video since it's harder to focus while eating. Leisurely videos I watch may include someone demonstrating how they use their vintage technology, or videos of Chuck E. Cheese. Aside from that, I don't mindlessly consume material on the internet. Many things I do on my computer do not require the internet. Any computer program I am interested in functions offline. I save many written materials on my computer and often times view them locally on my machine. I save many pictures for later viewing and have them organized by category on my computer (the for-profit internet equivilent is "Pinterest", rather than owning the image on your machine). Anytime I listen to music, it is locally on my machine. I simply download the music I like. I would never use any service to listen to music, why is it anyone's business what music I'm listening to, when, for how long, etc.? I also frequently work on updating my website, and this is all done offline as well, as I can view the .html page without the internet on my machine. I write in various different text documents for my website and typically months later do I actually update my website with these changes. As you can tell, how I use the internet compared to most people differs drastically, which is strange to me. How I use the computer/internet used to be the norm up until social media and smart phones hijacked the human brain for profit and for nefarious reasons (big brother spying). The less you're sucked into the for-profit internet, the easier it is to pull yourself away from the internet. I can go weeks where I barely look at my computer because I have "in real life" things to fulfill my time. It's a misconception that socializing is the only "in real life" activity away from computers, as has been demonstrated for centuries up until modern times. In real life tasks include necessities such as cooking, cleaning, taking my dogs outside/for walks. Other in real life activities include reading (I only read non-fiction, usually educational material), repairing electronics, bird watching, feeding animals outside (rabbits, birds, etc.), experimenting with cooking/baking, visiting a thrift store for items of interest, handywork, etc. Beware of impersonators (AKA "catfishes") If it wasn't clear by now, let me reiterate that I do not use any form of social media and I do not post "as me" outside of my website or my list of confirmed websites. I do not: Anyone who is using my picture as a profile picture is not me. Outside of my list of confirmed websites I use, anything else is NOT me. I do not use my image or name anywhere else other than my list of approved websites. I do not use forums, chat online, or play online video games. I do not have a "secret" Discord account, Telegram account, Twitter account, or Steam account. These are people pretending to be me, and subtlety and mystic tends to be more believable. If you think you are talking to me, you are not. Please view my list of approved websites where I operate under my name "Ashley Jones" with my image. Outside of that, I don't have any accounts nor communicate, because I use the internet for information rather than entertainment. List of approved websites My website: (Regarding my discussion board) Note that posts with the name ## Board Owner in bright red are my posts. Anyone else is pretending to be me. I rarely post on my discussion board, it's not a very good place if you want actual conversation about a topic, hence why I rarely post there. My email: My phone number: 725-CUM-FART My XMRBazaar: (Note XMRBazaar may be inactive and deleted in the future. If so, then it will be removed from my list of "approved" websites.) Any other account online is not me. I don't care how many hints they're dropping that they're me without outright saying it in an effort to prove I "secretly have some account I don't talk about", it isn't me. Misconceptions or assumptions Things I would like to engage in: |