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My response to people asking why I don't just paywall my videos, why I don't just get social media, etc.

Numerious times people have been confused about my website, saying, one of the following:

"You know you would make a lot of money if you were on social media."
"You should start paywalling your videos."
"You would get a lot more exposure if you were on social media."
"So when are you planning on getting yourself out there?"

These comments are really irritating to hear because I know there is no way to convey my convictions regarding the internet to people who view it as a job due to repeated exposure of internet celebrities who ruined the internet by making it the MONETIZED internet. The internet has increasingly become a place of prioritizing money over genuine interest. If you post anything continually to the internet (such as videos or a blog), your motivation must be money first. Nobody really posts on the internet just for fun, it's all about money, right?

Well, apparently to these people. It's strange how the internet of yesteryear (I call it the personal internet), has been completely memory-holed in turn for the ADHD dopamine spyware monetary internet. I've never understood the appeal of social media. It's all so sanitized, lacks the ability to personalize, lacks the ability to truly speak your mind, and worst of all, is undeniably spyware. Just because other people use it doesn't mean you have to. If you're truly a strong person, you would base your actions off of what you believe and not what others believe. It feels as if I'm in a very small section of the population who actually enact what they believe.

I've discussed plenty of times why I will never use social media. That point is clear. I don't care how many viewers I would get, I don't care how popular I could be. And, at what cost? In order to play by these evil tech company's rules, I would have to completely alter everything I like doing in order to please the "algorithm" (which is specifically designed to prey off of the human dopamine reward system, - literally like a drug). I would have to shorten my videos by 95%, I would have to self-censor my true thoughts and my jokes. And by "self-censor" I mean not saying the words or thoughts at all, not just bleeping them out, because not even that cuts it. I would have to deal with my accounts being continually banned and creating new ones. The list goes on. Esentially I would be getting rid of my dignity and everything I believe in, all so that more people see a completely nuetered and shortened version of myself. I have no clue why people genuinely think I'm missing out.

Honestly I think part of why mainstream social media is popular among the sheep is because of its too easy to use. It has zero barrier of entry, unlike personal websites where you must learn basic HTML and CSS and perhaps how to get a server. Social media is extremely baby-proofed, and to someone like me, I see that as a massive detriment. However, it's perfect for the sheep who are too stupid to create a very basic website. The lower barrier of entry, the more adaptable something is for the sheep.

Regarding people suggesting that I try and make my website/video hobby into a job. I will never do this, and for a number of reasons. Most of the times when you turn your hobby or something you love into a job, you start to resent it. Or at least I do, and I've made this mistake a number of times. The moment I'm obligated to do something, I start to resent it. Everything becomes forced to meet a timeline, which results in resentment for what you're doing and resentment for the audience who are the people obligating you to continue. On paper, yes, it sounds great. Doing something you love for money. In practice, it isn't. At least for me. I also am very opposed to the monetization of the personal internet. There is no more blurring of lines between the personalized vs monetized internet. It's all the monetized internet. Even a 12 year old kid making a Youtube video talks like a monetized internet Youtuber - it's completely engraned into our society. The monetized internet kowtows to advertisers and payment processors, which in turn, means you must censor yourself and your opinions. This also hurts TRUTH journalism. Only selected personalities and opinions are allowed to thrive on the monetized internet - and anyone with outspoken opinions and especially TRUTH journalism exposing less than ideal truths about governments and corporations, will be silenced. The solution is to not engage with abusive behavior. I would never want to engage with thought-policing. The solution here is decentralized cryptocurrency (NOT USING A CENTRALIZED EXCHANGE). This allows for freedom of thought and truth to pervail. This is exactly why I accept Monero (XMR) as a means to help pay my monthly server costs. However, I will never make what I do a job. It isn't feasible since most people have no idea what Monero is, and, I also don't want to do this as a job. It's a hobby. Just because you can do something doesn't always mean you should. Also, if I paywalled my videos, less people would watch them. Since I would only accept Monero, I might get 5 viewers at best, with one person leaking all the videos to people who don't know how to use Monero. It's stupid, I would never do that. I just do what I do for fun. I don't care about being famous, I don't want the ADHD Zoomers watching my stuff anyways.

I also despise the word "content creator". This is a term 100% associated with the monetized internet. I make videos. I have a website. I am not a "content creator". That is a term for sheeple Youtubers who like engaging with spyware companies. It's a gay word. Not everything you do needs a fricken' label. If you use the term "content creator", then I have a new term for you. You're a "retard".